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Everything posted by Duran

  1. But doesn't a sealed enclosure have a much flatter response then ported? Depends on the driver used, and the vented alignment being used with it.
  2. If you can have higher efficiency, with more power output, the only drawback is a larger gross volume, isn't that a worthy compromise? Vented enclosures just add flexibility, removable/adjustable port designs for changing response and efficiency is a great thing. There is nothing wrong with sealed enclosures, but ported enclosures do everything a sealed enclosure does and more, why not use them?
  3. Such high output form a small footprint is worth the dough to most people.
  4. Duran

    is the SP4 for ported or sealed boxes?

    I see that Fi recommends ported enclosure sizes for a 15" SP4 from 3^3ft to 5^3ft. What will be the differences between a 3^3ft ported enclosure and a 5^3ft ported enclosure with a single 15" SP4? Tuning freq and power (2k-2.5k) the same. Your options are, high efficiency, low end extension, small enclosure size; pick two. Apply that law to Fi's recommendations and you'll answer your own question.
  5. Duran

    What 8" sub would you choose???

    First choice, Soundsplinter rl-i8. Second choice, Sundown SA 8 V.2. But my choices would depend on my goals.
  6. Duran

    Fi bl 12

    You just noticed?
  7. Do you have a budget in mind? I did a Rockford Fosgate 200.2 on a 12" DCON with great results.
  8. There are many high quality class D amplifiers, and many terrible class A/B amplifiers.
  9. Do you think it matters?
  10. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks. You doing anything with your newly acquired Xcon? The enclosure design is still under construction, I'll make a thread when it's time I'll be sending you a present soon, we'll call it a Christmas present Look forward to the out come as it is a nutty 10". Thank you, but אני לא לחגוג את חג המולד. חנוכה להציג במקום, אולי?
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks. You doing anything with your newly acquired Xcon? The enclosure design is still under construction, I'll make a thread when it's time I'll be sending you a present soon, we'll call it a Christmas present
  12. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Aaron, if I'm ever in the NorthEast, you're the first person on my list to visit.
  13. Duran

    N2 Reconing Pros

    I love it when people modify already great woofers.
  14. Duran

    Sundown sub to go with PDX-1.1000?

    It will work fine, you have a gain knob for a reason.
  15. Duran

    Second Skin vs Sound Deadener Showdown

    Don is one if the very few people who know how to property dampen a vehicle, I trust his knowledge more than anyone else's.
  16. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got quite swollen, it was painful and I threw up anything I ate for a few days
  17. Duran

    Second look

  18. Duran


    You should have entered your information before you submitted payment.
  19. Duran

    Flatwind VC?

    Copper clad aluminum perhaps?
  20. Duran

    Need help choosing a subwoofer

    You all get a vacation if you keep this up. If you want to argue, make an Off Topic thread, or take it to PM's. OP: If you want me to clean your thread up, just say the word.
  21. Duran

    Flatwind VC?

    Flatwound coils are normally aluminum.
  22. Duran

    Need help choosing a subwoofer

    Your problem could easily be solved by re-reading.
  23. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This probably will sound stupid, but I've always wondered: Do people out there even buy winter clothing? Like do you own a good pair of gloves and boots? I was in SoCal 2 weeks ago, it was mid 70's the whole time, everyone wore winter coats, scarves, etc. it is that cold to them, it was hilarious