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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't want a woman THAT much older than me, 9 years is about the farthest I've gone
  2. Duran

    pics of my 18in. btl, and my amps

    Boo cancer! Yay bass!
  3. Duran

    nood from denver

    yeah i just oreder some 0ga from knukonceptz.. what size would i need on my battery? got a link? i want to get a bigger amp later(sundown 3500d) should i just replace my optima with 2 XS batterys?? or keep it in the front and add a XS on the back?? also , do i need to run my ground (from the negative front battery) all the way to the back?? or can i ground my second battery at the cabin???.. NooD... XS batteries would be a good choice, if you plan on upgrading in the future replace the Optima in front as well as in the rear, get the biggest batteries you can fit, there is nothing wrong with reserve. Ground to the frame, there is no point in running a ground all the way to the front battery when the frame rails will be grounded in 1/0 when you do your big 3.
  4. Duran

    Hello new from Dallas, TX

    Welcome to SSA.
  5. Duran

    nood from denver

    Hello nood, welcome to SSA. There are many battery choices such as Deka, XS Power, Kinetik, they will all work for you. Definitely do your big 3 in 1/0 and upgrade your power and grounds to 1/0.
  6. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah I'm not a fan of virgins. They don't know how to handle a dick.
  7. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Scratch the Fuji. I like the Casio Exilim H10 quite a bit...
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How does the braintrust like Fujifilm?
  9. Like Sean said, most of the people that voted probably have not used the woofers. My first subwoofers were CVR 12's
  10. No, it makes it look badass
  11. The woofer doesn't determine electrical upgrades, the amplifier power consumption does.
  12. Duran

    Notice: Behind on e-mails

    I'd like to respectfully submit my candidacy
  13. Duran

    Which Operating System?

    It didn't work for me
  14. Duran

    How to pronounce company name

    Those are acronyms? Care to explain em? I was thinking: SSD = Super Simple Driver. Q = Quality. BL = motor strength. BTL = delicious There are many threads about it. BL stands for buzz Lightyear BTW.
  15. Duran

    Which Speakers ??

    Do you want active or passive? 2 channel if passive, 4 or 6 channel if active.
  16. Duran

    Zombie land

    Totally kidding....? I sure as hell wasn't kidding!!
  17. Duran

    Dbl Bellys S10 Build.

    You don't need to cover the whole truck, it won't do anything. Talk to Don: http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi
  18. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    IMO when you buy a camera you either buy a Canon, Nikon or an Olympus. Sure Sony bought Minolta, but they can suck my cock with their proprietary memory and other bullshit. Digital sensors are easy, optics is not. Buy something from an optics company not an imaging company. Personally I am not even interested in Olympus but that is for different reasons. I learned to shoot on an old Nikon SLR, they have always been my favorite cameras for SLR, but I'm not looking for SLR. My step dad is a photographer, he shoots with a D300, but I don't feel like dropping $2K. I'm not looking for ulra-compact either, I'm a man I could care less how much the thing weighs. I want function.
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm on the fence between the Nikon I posted earlier and this: Click me bitchez. I played with this one yesterday and was very impressed, they did not have a display model of the Nikon though
  20. im actually extremely pleased that you didnt just assume i do not realize port area is significant. the fact is i do not know it. They are currently in their stock Kicker box. My buddy is coming over tomorrow probably so i can take a measurement then if the information is still needed. as far as midrange goes, he just has four 2-way 5x7s, and they handle the midrange acceptably I try not to be an ass Is it the Kicker enclosure with the aeroport on the right side? I can't recall the dimensions of the port so they would help
  21. It sounds like the enclosure. Not stating port area can mean two things. 1) You don't know, that's a problem as port area is very important in affecting how the driver will sound and handle playing different frequencies. 2) You think it's insignificant, which is also a problem for the reasons stated earlier. Your subsonic filter should be 3-5 Hz. below tuning, that is where tuning that high kills you if you expect to play low notes. LPF varies on how capable your midbass or midrange is, generally between 60 and 80 Hz. Keep bass boost at minimum.
  22. The CVR's are obviously not in the proper install if they cannot play double bass. Granted the driver can sometimes be the deciding factor ie: an SPL sub or a woofer designed for SQ, but CVR's aren't SPL woofers
  23. I would love to give you a demo of my Nightshades playing double bass metal songs, as they play them well. Like I said, it's all install.