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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    How did you guys find SSA???

    That's a very good change then
  2. Duran

    Toronto Raptors Mascot Eats Cheerleader

    I would eat her too...
  3. Duran

    Good match up or not

    All drivers can be made loud.
  4. Duran


    Yes, Home Depot carries it.
  5. Duran

    Help choosing sub(s) and amp??

    Except that term doesn't exist. Sound quality loud? Honestly?
  6. Duran


    It depends, anything from Titebond to epoxy. Use silicone to seal.
  7. Duran

    Which Speakers ??

    Who cares what it sounds like in the back? Do you ride in the back of your car often?
  8. Duran

    Couple of questions on wiring.

    I use 12 gauge with no issues Remember you have 100+ feet of 18 gauge in the coil.
  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't have a lot of counter space to work with, so I started it in a bowl. I need to invest in a rolling pin though, my noodles were too thick.
  10. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How close?? $174 more! One more night workin' the corner and you've got her!
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Which noodles? And what soup? When we were talking about homemade noodles, you made me crave them! Did you actually make your own noodles? Sure did! It reminded me of my grandmas chicken noodle soup, hers tastes a little better IMO.
  12. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hahahaha I would hate to be a car salesman... And I've done a few sales jobs! It's a great job if you have the nuts for it. I've been str8 comish before and managed comish based employees. Best way to make money in a well structured company. If the company blows ass though, you will be sucking ramen. I made awesome money working commission, it was much too rocky and unstable though.
  13. Duran


    If you have port noise, the only thing you can do to fix it is get more port. Liquid nails is not a sealant as well, use silicone to seal the edges like you did with the amplifier. Fiberglass resin makes the enclosure weaker too.
  14. Duran

    Some help on choosing what enclosure

    Hey Bangin, then you strap an amp the master amp controls the slave, setting the master sets the slave.
  15. Duran

    FI BTL 15" On SAZ3000D Final Instal

    That and the insanely long power and ground wires.
  16. Duran

    Which Speakers ??

    I want active because of passengers but i want the best soundstage for passive (for myself) in my budget ! Pick one or the other, read up on both and choose which one you want. Active will take more work and you probably wont get it right the first time but if you have a lot of time on your hands and patience to get it right then active is the way to go. Passive. But i want 4 speakers in total. 2 for me and 2 for rear. I want components for rear also because i want good sq.Thanks Wanting 4 speakers means two sets components. Components in the rear will sound like utter shit as well as be pointless.
  17. Duran

    18 btl, ported or bandpass?

  18. Duran

    ChicagoFans box 4 SA8s i his Escape

    how do you do that "kerfed port" ? in the Philippines we call that flared.. but how do you guys do that There are many build logs that go into them more, use the search feature.
  19. Duran

    Some help on choosing what enclosure

    If you really want a blow through, have the whole bed to use, and want insanely loud, bandpass it.
  20. Ya gotta love the Wasatch Mountains! That's my Taurus in the backround.
  21. Duran

    Should I get an RF T1 12" for this price?

    Then what would you change knowing his decks output and the impedance rise of his enclosure and why? I still wanna know how the heck he got on Team Sundown.
  22. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Which noodles? And what soup? When we were talking about homemade noodles, you made me crave them!
  23. Duran

    treo ssp's

    You do not meet the qualifications to sell anything on this forum.
  24. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Home made chicken noodle soup pwns!