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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Ads in posts.

    Lucky you. For me they are in the first 2 posts of every page. Firefox + Adblock+ should take care of that for you. I didn't even know what you were talking about until I disabled it in my browser and then reloaded the page. (sorry mark lol) All of the Mod team has access to ad free skins. You might want to check that out Do regulars as well?
  2. Duran

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    I volunteer my ears!
  3. Duran

    Chris' Wall Build in the Aviator vids p.35

    It looks loud to say the least!
  4. Duran

    Ads in posts.

    I don't have any Google Adds.
  5. Duran

    New guy

    Welcome to SSA.
  6. Duran

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    You need to be using the ohm symbol. A D2 will read ~1.4 ohms per coil, and a D4 will read ~2.4 ohms per coil.
  7. Duran

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    User error. You should be using the DC Resistance function.
  8. I LOL'd! Good trick Mark, I replied to you on CLZZ as well.
  9. Duran

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    Jacob's partner in crime
  10. Duran

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Stop posting and finish it!
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  12. Duran

    Deciding amps

    Rockford > AQ
  13. Duran

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    Craftsman FTW!
  14. Duran

    Runs of Wire for multi battery use

    If your alternator puts out more current than one run of 1/0 can handle you will need multiple runs. As for the ground, it's not needed at all. Just ground to the frame.
  15. Duran

    Just got amps waiting on subs

    Host them somewhere, copy the code and post.
  16. No recent pictures, but a video.
  17. Duran

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    Good post Shizzon. +1.
  18. Duran

    New here

    Welcome to SSA.
  19. Duran

    new here

    Welcome to SSA.
  20. Duran

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    How do you know it's the wrong woofer? It probably shipped in the wrong box, they could have re-used a box.
  21. Duran

    Introducing Supergauss

    Thank you, that was very informative.
  22. Duran

    New Here

    Welcome to SSA ROE.
  23. Duran

    rain water on mdf

    Don has spoken!!!