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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Newbie here

    Welcome to SSA!
  2. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    No basket love?
  3. Duran

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    oh the run position not just in the ignition see nobody said that. and what average person knows this Everyone should know that. I learned it in drivers education. Got to remember not all places have drivers ed some of us had to learn the old fashion way. I did at first as well, my mom took me out and told me to drive or walk home. I took drivers education to legally drive on public roads. I thought that was what you took the drivers test for, here in louisiana there arent many places to take drivers ed especially up north. Most people when I was in school got a drivers ed book, and studied and took the test. We couldnt afford to take drivers ed. The schools where I grew up have drivers education for free, there are a lot of private places too.
  4. Duran

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    oh the run position not just in the ignition see nobody said that. and what average person knows this Everyone should know that. I learned it in drivers education. Got to remember not all places have drivers ed some of us had to learn the old fashion way. I did at first as well, my mom took me out and told me to drive or walk home. I took drivers education to legally drive on public roads.
  5. Duran

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    oh the run position not just in the ignition see nobody said that. and what average person knows this Everyone should know that. I learned it in drivers education.
  6. Duran

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    it's only power assist...the stearing still works with the engine off you should try driving an old vehicle with armstrong stearing (my bad..most kids now adays have NO Idea what that is...LOL) I know whatcha mean
  7. Duran

    Ear vs Oscilloscope

    Enlighten me. All or partly? I am not above learning a thing or two. Clipping does not determine if it hurts your hearing or not, volume does.
  8. Duran

    Sundown Audio amp

    What you said would be true, except for the fact that SC blows.
  9. Duran

    Ear vs Oscilloscope

    I STRONGLY disagree with you Sir-Lancelot.
  10. Duran

    Sundown Audio amp

    They are made in South Carolina? You obviously didn't read my post.
  11. Duran

    The Toyota "Sticking Gas Pedal Syndrome"

    Normally if the vehicle is in gear and the key is in power steering will still work.
  12. Duran

    Argent Audio Enclosure Prices

    It looks like wood glue to me.
  13. Duran

    CLZZ, under new Managment :)

    I just validated you
  14. Duran

    amp advice

    Your headunit is all the power you need!
  15. Duran

    SQ_MGB's 2002 Chevy Reg cab build

    I like making wire look purdy too
  16. Duran

    Sundown Audio amp

    Zenon, in Korea.
  17. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  18. Duran

    I Got The Wrong Speaker

    Wah BAM! See just in the wrong box
  19. Duran

    blew my sub

    No wonder it failed mechanically, you had it in an enclosure twice recommended size combined with a SSF set WAY too low!
  20. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mmmm golf
  21. "Those ain't dimples, those is potholes in her ass!"
  22. Cone area normally triumphs, don't worry about frequency response in your scenario. Especially for a sub.
  23. Duran

    Something new coming!

    Pics or lies!