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Everything posted by Duran

  1. The Eris runs on Android 1.6, and the Moto is 2.0. A much improved version,the moto had double the processing as well, when you compare the Moto runs circles around the HTC.
  2. Duran

    blew my sub

    Oh my bad
  3. Yup. Windows Mobile or Android, of the two Android 2.0 is far superior. Blackberry's are good too, they concentrate on business though.
  4. Are you sure you need it? 99% of people don't need them.
  5. Duran

    Port Area

    We should use the exact xmax, yes.
  6. Duran

    Which one will be louder ????

    With an EBP of 157, I don't know any program worth using that would suggest a sealed enclosure. If there is a program that suggests sealed w/ a Qts of .2 and an Fs of 34hz....stop using that program. Nick Morgan told me, I don't know which program gave those results either.
  7. Duran

    blew my sub

    The Warden 21" is 59 lbs.
  8. Duran

    Port Area

    29in^2 per cube(for a 5ft^3 ported enclosure) seems like a lot even if you dont go by enclosure size. If I had the exact xmax it would be more accurate, I estimated it to be 27mm.
  9. Duran

    Port Area

    Making that recommendation doesn't tell him the exact minimum amount of port area needed to avoid port noise. so you are telling me that he will have port noise with 15-17 per and it will be audible???? are you a dumbass, or just a dumbass. my recommendation is not telling him the minimum amount or port area needed without port noise, its giving him a proper starting point for a daily system with lots of output. While it will reduce port noise your recommendation will make mechanical failure more likely. My estimation gives the OP the minimum amount of port area needed to reduce the likelihood of port noise as well as reduce the chances of mechanical failure. You recommending 15-17 proves your stupidity and your lack of understanding of enclosure design. Stop making recommendations as all of them have been proven incorrect.
  10. Duran

    Hey!!! Oxford PA Here!

    Welcome to SSA!
  11. Duran

    Which one will be louder ????

    Modeling it also suggests you seal the BTL. Which is NOT what it's designed for.
  12. Duran

    DC XL or IA DP

    Your going about that the wrong way.
  13. Duran

    Port Area

    how did you calculate this Dmin = 2030(Vd2/Fb)1/4/Sqrt Np
  14. Duran

    Port Area

    Making that recommendation doesn't tell him the exact minimum amount of port area needed to avoid port noise.
  15. Duran

    Port Area

    Enclosure size doesn't come into play. You build the vent to the driver specifications, not the enclosure.
  16. Duran

    Why ?!

    Who the hell eats only 6 pizza rolls?
  17. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Mmmm Black Mamba. No one to bang though!
  18. Duran

    Port Area

    Given the Nightshade xmax, which I'm estimating to be 27mm, you will need a minimum of 1452 inches of port area.
  19. Exactly. The SAE has made a lot of happy customers. Shame that MBQ is just a badge that is slapped on now. x2 MB Quart, Lanzar, Autotek, HiFonics, Crunch, etc, etc still sell these days but only because of their reputation from years back before Maxxsonics took over. I would've rather spent a few extra bucks and gone with the Sundown. I can't believe that people are even comparing the two. What has this world come too?!?! Ever heard the term "You get what you pay for"? Besides.....wasn't MB Quart a high quality German speaker company? Now all of a sudden they build amps that are made in Taiwan/Korea/China (no offense Sundown) with a badge that says 100,000,000 watts RMS per channel @ 4ohm! Same with new HiFonics like the Brutus that everyone seems to be thrilled about. IMO all it amplifies is distortion but then again you really can't hear it at low frequencies. Just my .02 Your speaker will experience the distortion
  20. tell me how to tell the difference bw rms and max watts in this part ....please .... that all i saw so i responded....... i dont need to look up the specs for him..... There is no difference because "max" ratings don't exist. We only deal in root mean square(RMS) wattage.
  21. Duran

    Rattlebox317's new build

    wow! I've yet to make the commitment to piss in the desk area trash can, but i have thought about it..... if I had seven actuall forums going at once, I might indeed have to, where do you find the time to walk away? lol chop Easy! I don't
  22. Duran

    FrostedFlakeJake's Build Log

    Actually brain cells never undergo mitosis unless you injected stem cells in your brain
  23. Duran

    FrostedFlakeJake's Build Log

    Beefy woofer! I like the tires too
  24. Duran

    Rattlebox317's new build

    I keep sigs on and still maintain my badass-ness on seven forums!