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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Selling shit huh...
  2. Duran

    Possibly the funniest subwoofer video of all time

  3. Duran

    Possibly the funniest subwoofer video of all time

    Agreed on the RD
  4. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It looks like your still young enough too. I have a 13 year old daughter and nieces that are over 18, SO I look at them completely different. Being 19 makes the jailbait still desirable
  5. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And get this! They are FREE!
  6. Duran

    SSA Forum T-shirt Design Vote

    #8 in black, and I'm in It's good to see ONE person liked my design though
  7. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love da jailbait
  8. Duran

    Newbs pleeze read b4 posting

    YOU will remain a Newbie forever! Gahahahaha! Mark lock his usergroup!
  9. Duran

    xmax and deep bass

  10. It depends on the version.
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You get pain when you move your LEG inward or try to bend your KNEE inward? I good way to test, sit down and elevate your leg, have someone press on your knee to keep it from moving and puch on your foot, outside to inside with a little pressure, and vice versa. If you feel unbearable pain or your leg actually bends more than 1/4" or so get your LCL looked at, as it's probably slightly torn.
  12. Duran

    SSAudio :)

    Happy birthday Mark!
  13. Soldering a large gauge wire is never a good idea, just a suggestion if you don't want to melt your wire jacket.
  14. I second crimp > solder. If you must solder, cut your solder into 1/4" pieces or so and fill the terminal with them, then melt them with a torch and jam your wire into it. That way you don't melt the jacket.
  15. Like said already, cut the circles out with a router first, then cut out the whole adapter with a jigsaw.
  16. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  17. Things should be more simple now that you don't have to stick to a minimum power rating, that's a dumbass rule.
  18. Duran

    Quick Question about SAE-1200Dv2

    "D" means it's a class-D amplifier, not the version.
  19. Duran

    Subwoofer recommendations

    Sub and port back yields much better results in trunks 99.9% of the time. An SUV is a different story though.
  20. Duran

    XS Power Battery Group Buy

  21. Duran

    Mark LaFountain visits SMD

    New Jersey right?! You are the only Duran I know of, so it makes it quite easy to remember. That and your an admin on one of the sites under the SSA umbrella. It makes it easier I'm sure
  22. Speakers are stupid, they do what they're told. It will play whatever notes you throw at it no matter how much power is going to it, it doesn't care it just wants to play
  23. Duran

    what sub to buy?

    I wasn't bragging, as that is a daily install, done by an amateur, not for competition. In a stock car, meaning no modification, stock alt and battery. That BM'er can do much better.