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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    It's almost time.

    Damnit Drew!
  2. Duran

    12" Warden T/S Specs

    Mmmm motor force
  3. STROKER! I'll PM you my address if ya want
  4. Duran

    which would be louder

    Bangin... C'mon man
  5. Duran

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    Agreed on Paranormal Activity though, totally stupid, I never liked those movies. Like The Blair Witch Project
  6. A D3100 is a Group 31 battery, they are very large.
  7. Duran

    Russian SPL Meter next too a TL Comparision vid

    It's a monopoly, it's about damn time someone made a similar product to compete with the TL. The price of one is a freaking joke.
  8. Duran

    Loud lows in a wagon, please help!

    Cone area wins 99.9% of the time.
  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is for reference....lol....this was part of the first post ITT .....my lulz were not found lol Most people are serious about it
  10. What did you do to that coil?!?!?!?!
  11. Duran

    Dcon stuff

    No one can tell you how many decibels you'd gain. There IS a pole vent on the DCON. Right, 6.5" form the mounting ring. No problem inverting. No need to phase. No problem with the enclosure being close to the back wall, just not the port.
  12. Duran

    Deezy Dee's 06 Impala Build

    That's Trevor's avatar
  13. Duran

    4Runner rebuild....Cant let it all go,

    Looks awesome....except for being coaxial
  14. Duran

    MDF Rings!!!!

    Make your own aeroport flairs! Use those for molds
  15. Duran

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2010

    Fine Mark I need to get some AA mids sometime...
  16. Duran

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2010

    C'mon Mark do it yourself Of drive up and I'll do them for ya!
  17. Duran

    New Fi X

    The power handling of a driver is more dependent on the installation.
  18. Duran

    Recone Info

    Typical HiFonics
  19. Duran

    08 Dodge Ram 2500 Mega Diesel (Full Custom)

    Now THAT is a blow through.
  20. Duran

    Best songs for xcon demo's

    Stealth you've been here for 3 years and still haven't learned anything. The amount of time you've been a member on a forum does NOT increase your knowledge, there is no osmosis taking place here you have to actually learn the heard way.
  21. Duran

    Hello from Alabama

    Welcome to SSA
  22. Duran

    Possibly the funniest subwoofer video of all time

    From my experience they have quality amplifiers. Not sure about the subs but I do know their amps sound great. The problem occurs when you break their products.
  23. Duran

    port position help

    Long time no talk Bobby What orientations have you tried in your car already?