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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Pair of 15inch Xcon

    Yes recones are available through SSA. Contact denim.
  2. Duran

    Zed Goodness for the low

    A BOSS with a ZED board, not junk whatsoever
  3. Duran

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    Chopping port won't mess the enclosure up any, it will still look the same.
  4. Duran

    Memphis Amps?

    The birth sheet doesn't really mean anything
  5. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. Duran

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    Not exactly...
  7. Duran

    15" xcon not good at upper bass??

    Cut port off.
  8. Duran

    Happy Birthday

    Happy birthday Peng! As well as the other people...I don't know you lol
  9. Duran

    Arizona Car Show Crowd Reacts

    I can't wait for that DCON 12"
  10. Duran

    empty notes

    Wall it Brian
  11. Duran

    Bus bars...

    Nothing wrong with that, as long as you do a good job with the plastic dip
  12. Duran

    empty notes

    It's a low frequency, the human ear has a hearing spectrum from about 20-20,000 Hz. for an average person. You cannot hear the note but you can feel it, because tactile senses are more sensitive than hearing.
  13. Duran

    t 2500

    Nothing funny about someone getting robbed to me. Will be be so funny when it is you? It's funny because she deserved it for being a complete bitch. Playing that damn system at all hours of the day. I kind of agree that playing a loud system in your driveway for days and days, hours and hours, your asking to get it stolen. I've played my shit in my driveway right after install, just trying to get it sounding right, never for more than a half hour though. I think its going a little far to say she deserved it though. Thats almost like saying that since you played your system in someones neighborhood at night, and they got pissed and followed you home and stole it that you deserved it... You'd be surprised what people would do to the bassheads haha. I have rules when it comes to bass, all keep my equipment from getting stolen and from people from getting mad at me. Simply put if you keep to yourself, don't be ignorant, and aren't a complete douche, no one will try to steal your equipment for revenge.
  14. Duran

    20.1 output help

    Welcome to McDonalds, can I take your order? Uhh yeah can I get a half dozen nuggets? Sorry sir we only have 6, 9, and 12 chicken nuggets available.
  15. Duran

    t 2500

    Nothing funny about someone getting robbed to me. Will be be so funny when it is you? It's funny because she deserved it for being a complete bitch. Playing that damn system at all hours of the day.
  16. Wow Brad you're laying down the knowledge tonight O.o
  17. Duran

    t 2500

    Playing a system in your neighborhood is asking for it to be stolen...a dumbass lady that lives by me always plays her stereo in her driveway, last week her HU, subs, amp, and even door speakers were stolen. I thought it was hilarious, I drove by and she was on the phone yelling at someone that she'd gotten her stuff stolen. It's funny because my system is FAR superior than what hers was and her car is the one broken to. My car is 100 feet from hers.
  18. Duran

    t 2500

    1 watt is enough.
  19. Duran

    What sub would be perfect for me?

    And the point of this post is...? To prove that you obviously don't understand human anatomy?
  20. Duran

    Best songs for xcon demo's

    I'm kinda wondering why this post for voted down :/
  21. Duran

    12" Warden T/S Specs
