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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    I'm not too far from you ya know
  2. Duran

    250w to little for power hx2?

    95 why aren't you Tech Team anymore...?
  3. Duran

    can i vent?

    This is in off topic so anything goes here Hopefully Jacob will read this thread.
  4. A sub is not "power hungry" it does what it's told. Get a BL.
  5. Duran

    can i vent?

    Root access to the Linux kernel To the whole server hahaha!
  6. Simply put, it shouldn't be in there. It's obviously not helping you, do it right and get a small battery or upgrade your alternator, it takes power to make power.
  7. Duran

    can i vent?

    I see how you are Mark Give me root access to CLZZ and we'll see who's laughing
  8. Duran

    can i vent?

    Mark I'll be a rep for you, I'm not a douche
  9. Duran

    can i vent?

    End the doughebaggary, kill him. Texas is a BIG state
  10. Duran

    New Facebook Features on SSA!

    Lulz it's getting there
  11. When the Type-X blew it probably took the amp with it...
  12. Duran

    New Facebook Features on SSA!

    I try to sift through them a few times a day. But often now, the spammers are human and not bot's, so there is a human on the other end posting multiple spam topics/posts. I noticed on CLZZ too The banhammer came out Too bad thats the only traffic on CLZZ It takes a little time to get it big like SSA, remember SSA is 8 years old
  13. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Definably not a 40K truck.
  14. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Seriously, I wanna bitch slap him.
  15. Duran

    New Facebook Features on SSA!

    I try to sift through them a few times a day. But often now, the spammers are human and not bot's, so there is a human on the other end posting multiple spam topics/posts. I noticed on CLZZ too The banhammer came out
  16. Duran

    250w to little for power hx2?

    Even if you put a square wave from a 200 watt amp on a 2,000 watt rated sub it probably won't fail thermally.
  17. Duran

    New Facebook Features on SSA!

    Get on those validations Mark
  18. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He claimed he's married
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There is a guy i work with, with an OLD Macintosh Classic under his desk, and a paper that says "Try to find happiness in things not associated Mac products" I swear the guy's a homo I'm afraid for my ass every time he walks by.
  20. Duran

    Legit Site?

    Audio Enhancers JUG12D Dual 12" Slot Ported Sub Box - 2.32 cf per sub ShipSound.com You say moar port? It's woofer dependent, but I recommend for two 12's with 30 mm xmax tuned to 35 hz. to have 100-1152" of port area.
  21. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My mom taught me how to drive the first time on a country road, she let go of the steering wheel and told me not to kill her. You have an email Neal.
  22. Duran

    More Sundown Issues Unfortunately

    I like lemons
  23. Duran

    It's almost time.

    Where are all the pics of Tiff as promised...?