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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    lights flickering good ground.

    Stinger HPM(High Profile Moron) wire, cause you paid too much for it.
  2. Duran

    Good smartphones and providers.

    Some Android still pwns. You can put it on a 1st gen iPhone if you want a REAL operating system
  3. Duran

    lights flickering good ground.

    cool im going to buy 20 feet of 0 gauge and run my rockford fostgate 4 gauge as my big 3.. i decided what? if you're ordering wire anyways why not get a couple extra feet of 1/0? it doesn't take much...what car are you putting it in, how far is your bat. from the alt? um battery from alternator is a good 5 feet.. but dont i also have to ground on engine block and ground on chasis?? id probably have to get like 40 feet.. It does not take 20' or wire to do a big 3 upgrade.
  4. Duran

    Hello from Co

    If you have to ask if they'll handle it, it's best not to try. If you have experience they will handle more than that.
  5. Duran

    lights flickering good ground.

    Why are you yelling?
  6. Duran


  7. Duran


    But remember that night with Drew, you and me and the webcam
  8. Duran


  9. Duran

    i want loud!!!

    what? Truth.
  10. Duran


    Yes huh...I've seen them
  11. Duran

    Problems with xcon

    The coils are fine. That's the DC resistance.
  12. Duran

    Would adding fans help?

    It's not necessary at all, because the frame is grounded to the front battery. You have a giant "ground wire" already ran.
  13. they still had pcb but he stated there was copper plating underneath it, idk if they were strips perhaps? Hopefully he meant strips
  14. You don't want aH for a starting battery, you want CCA.
  15. Duran

    Would adding fans help?

    That's why I said ground it to the frame, no resistance there if you sand and bolt it.
  16. Duran

    Getting Metered @ Show

    Your putting a 2000 watt amp on stock electrical?
  17. That's funny that he says they are solid copper boards, he'd have a dead short
  18. Duran

    Would adding fans help?

    That battery needs to be grounded to the frame.
  19. Duran


  20. Duran

    Wish I was an owner of Apollo Buger

    The glorious Wasatch Front
  21. Duran

    Just out of curiosity...

    Well, your only a retarded Canadian if your French Canadian. Trust me I FREQUENTLY speak with Canadians, I fix their computers remotely when they break them
  22. Duran

    Hello from Kansas

    Welcome to SSA!
  23. I have two 12" Sundown Nightshades in my trunk on 3000 watts with one set of Kicker SS components in my doors, the tweeters are fiberglassed in the sail panel, running on an SAX-100.4, and the vocals are more than enough
  24. Your making this thread again?