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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    SSA DCON Video

    niiiice box!!!! Thanks, the build log is on here as well. I really enjoyed doing that install, cause the DON is such an impressive woofer.
  2. Duran

    SSA DCON Video

    Those two videos you found were made my me
  3. Duran

    need some help choosing 10s

    Are you a used car salesman?
  4. Duran

    Need Help On What BTL I Have

    Not really no.
  5. We need to have some of the more experienced guys in here, I personally am not going to drop $1.5K on a capacitor, or any capacitor for that matter.
  6. Duran

    Need Help On What BTL I Have

    Post detailed pictures and Nick should be able to tell you
  7. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    Who ****, me? I'm with Duran, I'd like to see it too. lol Why do I am getting 4 stars when using slang I'd say in front of my grandma? "that" minus the "th" and adding a "d" Cuz dis ain't da hood foo. We be educated herr.
  8. Kind like Britt My most recent ex's BJ's were TONS better, Britt was okay, better vag than mouth
  9. Not a sloppy BJ either, I want the best damn BJ of my life, whenever I want till I die!
  10. Plugging in wires being an "installer" doesn't make you right What the heck though... (4) 1/0 gauge inputs?
  11. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    I hope to see it
  12. Duran

    SSA DCON 12 box questions

    But you're also biased lol Ported > sealed.
  13. Duran

    SSA DCON 12 box questions

    X3. A DCON ported is just amazing.
  14. Duran

    Most efficient subwoofer available?

    It's all about compromise Thanks for all the info Brad, I might be asking you some stuff in the future lol
  15. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    Go active and beat all Focals $10K passive systems.
  16. Duran

    Most efficient subwoofer available?

    Where does the suspension compliance factor in, or become a significant factor? Ever? Geez I need to take some physics courses, this is good stuff.
  17. Duran

    Ryan J's build log

    I saw it first
  18. Duran

    install finished

    I was simply posting how easy it is to claim someone elses numbers to prove a point.
  19. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks. I have had a hard time keeping the mask off of my face. I love watching people do the double take. I don't blame you, that's be fun!
  20. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeah, it looked very good, you'll scare people well
  21. Duran

    Grandma's car New box test

    Lets be realistic here Duran. Two CVX 10"s on 1200 watts. Highlighted for emphasis
  22. Duran

    Grandma's car New box test

    150's are possible with two 10's, heck with a single 8" if you know what your doing.
  23. Duran

    install finished

    Exactly. OP: I put one of my 6.5's in my trunk free air, and ran it on my 3000D and put up this:
  24. So you have a D2 Q? What is your amp wired to, 1 or 4 ohms? Try wiring to 4 ohms, as that will help with heat and your electrical system a lot.