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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Their speakers are pricey, are they worth the money? Good luck No idea, I hope to find out Good luck. Gracias! Hope you get the Job. Thanks!
  2. Duran

    4" and 4x6

    It's not hard to cut a hole
  3. Duran

    2000 police interceptor build log

    It's mechanically impossible to bottom out a BTL, and like Julian stated tinsels can't slap if they are tied down. Sounds like a lose panel
  4. Duran

    4 DP21 Wall Build

    Please brace the hell out of that baffle
  5. Duran

    4" and 4x6

    It's be easy to make some, scrap wood FTW.
  6. Duran

    steve's 02 vette 6 speed

    Was he tailing you just cause you drove by in a Corvette? What an ass, and why did you go 130 when he was tailing you so damn close! LOl
  7. Duran

    steve's 02 vette 6 speed

    What link?
  8. Duran

    4" and 4x6

    For midbass you'll want a larger cone.
  9. Duran


  10. Duran

    Kent's 1987 Mustang Build

    Cause we want more pictures
  11. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Just applied for a job here: Zu Audio
  12. Duran

    Details on AA subs?

    yes, steve at FI wanted to go in a different direction than nick so they branched off and steve started his own brand Ascendant Audio, the companies are completely unrelated regarding owners and employees, but the technology is very very similar, if you look at an fi q vs an AA havoc you will find them very similar. both use teh same surrounds and spider structures, i have seen both and the build quality on both drivers was superb I currently run 2 Ascendant audio havoc 15's in a sealed enclosure, they slam pretty good, but they sound incredible both teh fi Q and the Ascendant audio Havoc are designed for sound quality first and loudness second, it does the first VERY well, and still manages to do a damn good job on the second. the havoc is alllmost as loud as the fi bl to the ear, but the bl shaves a few more db at the meter. The mayhem is ascendant audio's answer to the FI BTL, overall i would say they are an even match, though i would still choose Mayhem because to my ears they seem to hit the higher bass a little harder then the btl, but below 45 hz for both subs it is a dead heat. the SMD series is jsut insane, that's all i got to say about it, i don't have another sub to really compare it to that i have actually heard before, but if you want to ask me " is it louder then the btl?" or "does it beat the Mayhem?" the answer will be "yes, deffinately" Umm.. you mean Scott. Also, Fi and AA are the same company, same owner, same employees. The Mayhem will be louder to your ears, and the BTL will do better numbers, that does vary my installation though.
  13. Duran

    Enclosure Build for Hove (One 18 Inch AA Mayhem)

    Mmm triple baffle! /fapping
  14. Duran


  15. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    Erm...that's his wife.
  16. Duran

    Project I'm Working On

    I'll test a 12" layer for you
  17. Duran

    MBarber25's Build Log

    Yup, shim it and sand the spider landing and where the spider connects to it, then reglue, put pressure on it, and wait 24 hours.
  18. Duran

    2000 police interceptor build log

    Yea unfortunately and its gonna be 95* tomorrow with like 93% humidity, Its so hot I cant roll down my windows to smoke without sweatin my balls off. Easy solution, stop smoking
  19. Duran

    2000 police interceptor build log

    Easy there pyroboy O.o
  20. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    Looking really good Edit: I'm not sure why you deleted that post, but it looked good.
  21. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    Quoted for emphasis
  22. Duran

    First Cheap System

    Xmax should not determine woofer choice.
  23. Duran

    Extreme Overkill Sound Deadening Without Compromise

    Who ****, me? I'm with Duran, I'd like to see it too. lol Why do I am getting 4 stars when using slang I'd say in front of my grandma? "that" minus the "th" and adding a "d" Cuz dis ain't da hood foo. We be educated herr. That still doesn't answer my question of why a harmless, non offensive word would be censored from my post. I give you props though. Including the word "educated" in grammatically challenged sentences, was a nice touch. That's my kind of sense of humor. Anyways, I like joke around and talk smack, probably to the point of being a fault. My smack talk shouldn't be taken as anything else but playing around. It's not a form of disrespect, especially when I don't even personally know the person. I'm seeing if you're game and not stomping on peoples toes. And no, I'm not back peddling, I played college football, and have trained in MMA, since the late '90's. So know body really intimidate me. In saying so, it'd be prudent to say, it doesn't matter how bad you are/or think you are, there is always someone badder who could whip your a$. (This is a generalized statement that includes all of man kind) After all, we're all human. Ok, enough of our testosterone driven, ego talk, let's get back to car audio. My mantra is: "It's better to be a smart a$ then it is to be a dumb a$!!!" It's really nothing against you, the forum moderators just like to keep things grammatically correct, it makes it much easier to read and understand a users post.
  24. Duran

    Tuning box below manufacture's Fs

    Geez Mike I only have the 5th edition