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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Looking very slick! Nice looking paint
  2. Duran

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Honestly? It's an Eclipse, for a teenage guy. It fits perfectly.
  3. CLD Tiles don't stop panel flex, they only combat panel resonance. The only way to get it to stop flexing is to brace it, steel tubing would work well.
  4. Duran

    Shipping Australia

    "A dingo ate your baby"
  5. Duran

    Wall ?

    He has some Treo SSX 18's. Tuning won't change from any other enclosure, I'd go 30-40 Hz. depending on your music preferences
  6. Duran

    Sensitive Competitor Design Information

    I believe I know the secret
  7. Duran

    TC Sounds LMS-R 12"

    Please do not post spam like that in another thread. It helps nothing other than to satisfy you need to be a dick. Take that crap back to CACO.
  8. Duran

    Stopping in to say Hello.

    Welcome to SSA
  9. I actually thought about that, but I'm planning to buy a new truck. Also, I didn't realize how massive the SAX 100.4s are. I ordered one last week not thinking about the size because four channels are usually pretty small. HA well i saw one today in a buddies van.. FREAKING HUGE lol Gotta have room for all the crossover functions
  10. Duran

    Nightshade v.2 Production Motor

    Yes, on both NS v.2 and Z v.2 Why did you decide to remove it? It's useless.
  11. Duran

    The good stuff

    I'm neighbors with Wyoming, and they sell EVERYTHING
  12. Duran

    Rubberized undercoating

    Silicone is your friend
  13. Duran

    140 db set up on a single Fi Q12?

    Throw one in a CRX sub up port back tuned high and you'll be pushing 150.
  14. Duran

    Comp box for 2 15" type r's

    1.5cf PER 15 ? That is TINY...IMHO go for double that. Efficiency is your friend. Do you need to worry about efficiency when your giving subs 4x rated power? I don't think so. Yeah you do if your chasing tenths.
  15. i thought only alts make the power? batteries are a large storage for the power, no? (i didnt put the negative rep on your post, im just curious.) But other than that question X2 on the rest of the post What a good post to mark as bad, whoever did it. Thanks for covering for me Bromo
  16. Duran

    12" DCON in Mazda Protege5

    A friend of mine from work listened to my setup about two weeks ago, he said he wanted better sound in his car but couldn't spend much, I asked his budget and he gave me ~$300 as a limit, so I told him I'd get something for him. I worked on a design, and approached him with a 12" SSA DCON S4, a Rockford Fosgate 200.2, and an enclosure 2.25 cubes tuned to 32 Hz. He liked it, and gave me the go ahead. The amplifier was the first to arrive, no pictures of it though because it was shipped to his house. Then we got the DCON, and I much say it's an impressive driver. I wouldn't consider it entry level at all! It is extremely well built, now time for the woofa porn My dog approves Mark and Aaron! Then we started working on the enclosure: Test fitting the top: Painting the port: Test fitting the woofer: How it rests currently: He wanted to paint it black temporarily, and carpet it later on. I'm trying to talk him into letting me build an amp rack on the side of the hatch, I think he'll break down soon since we have plenty of leftover MDF I must say, this DCON is very impressive, being such an overbuilt woofer it is performing far beyond my expectations. It's incredible how loud it gets and sounds SO smooth, I'm jealous of him now. We started playing some rap because I wanted to see the low frequency response, and it was LOW, it didn't take much power to get this woofer to drop and that was impressive, it was equally impressive in the upper frequencies as well, we played some Police and the kick drums were incredible, that's when my friend jizzed in his pants(or so he said).
  17. Duran

    Opinions on a laptop

    Oh get outta here with that!
  18. Duran

    icon 12 into a 18

    More goes into subwoofer design than you think, you can't put just any motor on a basket and slap a cone on and expect it to sound amazing. It takes quite a bit of motor force to move an 18" cone and oppose the air that the cone pushes. There is a reason SSA does not sell an 18" ICON
  19. Duran

    Linear Power & Blues Car Audio

    Do you have a link to Brad's review?
  20. Duran


    It's happening a lot all of a sudden Last week my car was broken into, my HU, new Zune HD, iPod, and GPS were stolen, luckily they didn't get to the Nightshades, 3000D, or 100.4 though.
  21. Duran

    Wiring help please!!!!!

    Yeah they are reading the DCR of the voice coils. The funny thing is if they hooked up a DMM to one of their woofers it'd be DCR so they are just trying to knock a product they don't sell.
  22. Capacitors do not make power, batteries do. When your capacitor is discharged (which takes a few seconds at best) it relies on the battery to charge it again which is MORE of a drain on your electrical system, because your alternator and battery are forced to power your amplifier and charge the capacitor again as well as your basic electrical components in the vehicle.
  23. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Sadly, IMO it is the parent's fault. When I grew up I got my ass kicked for disobedience and for not doing my chores. Bad grades? Ass kicking and grounded forever. When I did poorly in school, I got an F not an "E" for needs more effort. When we failed a grade, we were held back. We were accountable for our actions. If we didn't do what we were supposed to we got stomped on. Nowadays I see my son's friends getting brand new cell phones and dirt bikes and stupid shit just because they brought that D up to a C. Kids are coddled today by society, but they are learning this at home. I still stomp my son if he doesn't do right. I take away the things that matter most, and I don't make a big deal out of a good grade. It is expected. If he gets a bad grade though, he knows he will get his ass kicked. That is called parenting. I agree, and you sound like my mother! If I came home with a raised grade, from a C to a B for example I'd just get less of an ass kicking than if it remained a C
  24. Duran

    Why is car audio so appealing.

    SPL gets you laid after all