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Everything posted by Duran

  1. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Damn. That nailed my problem on the head, except for being big; no one else I've met measures up! Mentally and physically.
  2. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Me as well Peng
  3. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    A bit more than $600 I think
  4. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't think you sleep, you just take power naps. Actually yes! In the afternoons lately
  5. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have a weird sleep schedule as well
  6. Duran

    Single 12 inch warden in aero port

    We suggested seal the trunk off so you can get enclosure volume as much as possible, because it increases efficiency. Since you don't want to, build something that fits and allows for air and sound waves to pass through into the cabin, as big as possible.
  7. Duran

    Single 12 inch warden in aero port

    Build so you can change it, you will need to because it takes a lot of testing to get loud.
  8. Duran

    Single 12 inch warden in aero port

    If you don't want to seal it the trunk, there are more options. Try sub back port to the side, as well as sub up port forward CRX style.
  9. Duran

    Single 12 inch warden in aero port

    We all told you th same thing, just in different ways. Wall off the trunk, with the Warden on the drivers side, and port on the passenger side, make sure the trunk is completely sealed or you will loose pressure. Use any number of ports, whatever totals up to be at least 702" of port area will be fine.
  10. That looks like really good cheese, I;ll have to get some next time I'm up there!
  11. Duran

    DD 2512

    Even if it was run on huge amounts of power, which is what it is made to handle, a recone will fix any problems. Just make sure there is no coil rub, if not buy her.
  12. Understood, good plan too. Tillamook cheese is the best ever, I miss cruising over there for a few days, haven't done it in a few years.
  13. I'd be careful with that power on the Q's, while they handle some abuse they do have a breaking point. I heard that they are two amps in one case as well, so the big difference would be in mounting flexibility.
  14. Duran

    amp vs subs

    It's REALLY hard to fold a pulp cone, you have to be using gargantuan amounts of power or have settings incorrect.
  15. Make sure the woofer is a 4 ohms, just to verify you have a D2 Q right?
  16. Duran

    Single 12 inch warden in aero port

    Anything that will get you about 702" of port area minimum.
  17. Duran

    Digital Designs Headphones

    I just got a set of Grado SR225's, and I'm in love. Screw earbuds.
  18. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I got my Grado cans today, I'm definitely in love.
  19. Duran

    Adire Audio is for sale

    Robotunderground is selling it, NO THANK YOU.
  20. Duran

    Adire Audio is for sale

    Been for sale like a year now...
  21. Duran

    wiring subs?

    If it's 1.4ohm/coil, that would be a D2. He said each coil was .7
  22. Duran


    What is the rated amperage output at idle?
  23. Duran

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    Now that's a smart girlfriend right there! I would give in too, don't feel bad
  24. Duran

    Why Not Asphalt?

    Or moderator of this section! Excellent post Don, we're all lucky to have such a knowledgeable asset to the forum.
  25. Duran


    We need accurate information to be able to give you an accurate answer.