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Everything posted by Duran

  1. www.classifiedzz.com

  2. Sub par products, and an owner who is a complete douche.
  3. I was gonna say, why don't you go to Wal-Mart and buy an Xplod amp? You'd actually be able to warranty that.
  4. Duran

    Volvo Bo and the half wall 740

    Wow you guys like cawk don't ya?
  5. Duran

    Wall Enclosure

    Most of the acoustical energy from the driver comes from the port, the woofer exciting the air inside the port makes the deebeez. Julian did not suggest the maximum port area, that was the MINIMUM port area to maintain port linearity.
  6. Duran

    Warranty for SSD?

    You think the sub broke on it's own? One day it decided to not work, because all hell would break loose if it was actually user error, the user that got the enclosure, the user that set the amplifier, the user that controls the volume knob, nah it wasn't your fault. I agree, the sub broke itself.
  7. Duran

    Sweet ride.

    Oh flat black...how I love to so
  8. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Gotta fork over dough if you want it legally...
  9. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well you did say you got a few blow jobs last weekend...
  10. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Freakin' tard...
  11. I will be adding the Differential Drive (aka Dual Gap) technology when I get a chance. Though it does allow for some flexiblity in terms of keeping BL linear, it shows more benefits in power handling by increasing surface area and air flow over the coil substantially. The W7 is a very simple method: it's a standard overhung design with some machining done in the pole piece. If the right amount is done in the right places, you can achieve surprisingly linear BL, but it becomes increasingly more challenging to achieve this at very high levels of excursion. Of course, I'm of the opinion that a speaker that takes 1kW with 30mm of Xmax is more than enough for my ears. I think your due for a write up on dual gap motors!
  12. wow you just reminded me of the reason why i don't hang around much on ssa.. how is it showing hate if you are just stating facts. cthedinger I'm glad you posted this because earlier today I was thinking to myself about how noone had any foil covered CCF. He is on DSBP too, well, he was Here on SSA we will not sugar coat anything, if you have sand in your vagina we will point and laugh not give you a douche to get it out and proceed to kiss your ass. We don't put up with bull shit. Enough off topic talk, we've thread jacked enough. Drew if you have a problem with Coleman PM him, Blak if you have a problem with Drew PM him, no need to clutter a thread.
  13. Well there went my dinner. Thanks Julian!
  14. Who wants to buy b-stock? I sure don't, it is called b-stock for a reason. But Don does make a great product I will give him that for sure. I fixed it thanks for letting me know. It's actually b-stock because the tiles were cut as different angles, not 90* like he wanted, and honestly I have some and you can't tell a difference.
  15. Duran

    wiring subs?

    If it's 1.4ohm/coil, that would be a D2. He said each coil was .7 No, he asked if you could wire to 1ohm or if the only option was to wire to .7, which for a single sub would mean each coil is 1.4 Learn to read n00b Aww poo. You right Brad
  16. Duran

    How much would it cost

    Just have to remove the bottom plate as it is attached to the pole piece, not a simple process if you don;t have the tools but Nick can.
  17. Duran

    what is high QTS?

    It lowers motor force considerably, which beings up QTS making it perform the best in a sealed enclosure. It will not hurt anything, but won't perform as well in a vented alignment compared to a sealed alignment.
  18. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Isn't that a normal occurrence for teh Peng?
  19. Duran

    FI spotting

    You shoulda followed him and gotten a demo, we need videos Aaron!
  20. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shaved and smellin' good pootang top!
  21. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    She was actually a pretty hot chic with a SUPER hard body. Just young. I have done a few tramp stamps where I could smell thier snatch the whole time, not to mention when they fart while you working right above their ass. Thats why I have a fan blowing away from me at ALL times. I have very hyper-sensitive smelling, and everyone smells one way or another. Cigarette smokers breath and gamey arm pits are the next worst. The joys of getting up close and personal with ppl I don't even know. Not to mention piercing the pussy when its all creamy. I generally charge someone more if they smell. I don't go near a woman if I know she isn't maintained, no way no how. I had a bad experience with that.
  22. Duran

    Welcome to the IHoP

    He came so close to tipping that thing...especially with that huge engine on the back.