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Everything posted by y_d0c

  1. y_d0c

    whats up.

    ^^uhh excuse me, i enjoyed it welcome
  2. y_d0c

    This is why Meth is bad

    ^^them fukers trip hard....
  3. y_d0c


    ^^^ salem......KCIA (- the civis) but its still a cake walk
  4. y_d0c


    ^dope im SE of basrah
  5. http://www.dbelectrical.com/high_output_alternator.html
  6. y_d0c

    Need help for my first system

    ^ id bump up to an 1800, im sure either would work though.... go here if you have any other questions about how many batts youll need.... http://www.kinetikaudio.com/calc.asp
  7. y_d0c


    where about??? not any specifics..... how long you get back in the states??
  8. y_d0c


    i wish i could have a deployment where i can wear civi's and swim in a pool......but then again that really wouldnt be a deployment....
  9. y_d0c


    hooray for tax free....i paid off my bike as well, and bought and 08 explorer....next years tax return is gonna be nasty.. btw wtf do you do? im volunteering for Afghanistan....fudge this basrah chit....
  10. y_d0c


    2 months... oddly enough...... im at peace with it dont get me wrong, considering theres not a damn thing i can do...but fudge ive been gone since last october...going till late august early sept...and ill be back in ILO training this october for another deployment.... im SF in the airforce btw... tax free = sweet
  11. y_d0c

    Oh noes!!! It's Friday the 13th!

    fudge Fridays
  12. y_d0c

    !!!!!help with 2 12" Fi Q's!!&#33

    ^^^dual 1 or 2??
  13. y_d0c

    !!!!!help with 2 12" Fi Q's!!&#33

    sae1000 for each...and the alternator kinda depends....if you have a deep bat under the hood + big 3 you should be fine.... but then again the easiest way to find out is to just hook the chit up....also id go single... theres plenty others on here that should chime in some more helpful info
  14. y_d0c

    loud subs?

    ^^ or a bunch of annoyed people on a forum putting him on blast that might work too...
  15. y_d0c

    Midbass -----Metal

    alright...got everything that i need besides amplification....im gonna go with sae1000 for the q but need some suggestions for the l8,4,1, suggest away please.....
  16. I started a topic about this awhile back and started to get some input about midbass drivers, but that thread died. I listen to quite a bit of metal and need some real nice mid bass drivers...... no budget... 08 explorer 5x7 w/about 3.5 - 4in depth... ..i can do 8in drivers .... any help would be appreciated...
  17. y_d0c

    This is That

    and the chrome duh....cant believe i forgot the chrome....
  18. y_d0c

    loud subs?

    brutal!! i dont know if anyone has noticed this but, is anyone even sure hes still reading all these comments considering he hasnt responded since the 3rd post..... just a thought
  19. y_d0c

    This is That

    ^^^you pay for the name with audiobahn...but again i guess this chit is all opinion based... :rockwoot:
  20. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i see your point audioneon...but i firmly believe that our environment is changing (and all the chit that goes along with that), maybe not drastically or with any effects that we'll see in any of our lifetimes, but it is changing. I believe apart of that is from global increase in temperature. and this global increase in temperature is far from normal. vladd i like GIT --global increase in temperature..
  21. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what kind vladd...? thinkin about picking one up myself when i get back
  22. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    so your saying that this "global warming" is nothing abnormal? just heating/cooling cycles of the earth.
  23. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I may stand corrected...it depends in what context your using the word "myth"