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Everything posted by y_d0c

  1. y_d0c

    Anyone into bmx I need a little help.

    redline = nasty x2
  2. y_d0c

    Turning 21!

    ^^what he tried to say was, 21 shots of jack over a period of 21 hours....
  3. y_d0c

    Astronaut Ice Cream and Ice Cream Sandwich 99

    ^^theyre good if thats all you have to eat....very conveniant though....
  4. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^^very nice...romantic type arent we now....
  5. y_d0c

    Astronaut Ice Cream and Ice Cream Sandwich 99

    I assume youve had them before????????
  6. y_d0c

    Astronaut Ice Cream and Ice Cream Sandwich 99

    sharing is caring
  7. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ^^good to hear...whered ya go?
  8. y_d0c

    Turning 21!

    whatever you do..shave someones eyebrows and paint their face with a permanent marker ....that is all
  9. y_d0c

    AQ hd3 vs sundown nightshade

    what amp....and if money wasnt a concern i guess 2 nights would be more practical...
  10. y_d0c

    AQ hd3 vs sundown nightshade

    if the nightshade could take 2400 clean watts, pretty sure it would be a bit more loud..... maybe its just me
  11. y_d0c

    need a box design

    ^^g5 @ 300 = 140...goodness....
  12. y_d0c

    3 15" Icons!

    def stoked......... btw acex3a your ava if fuking saweet i watched it like 3 times...
  13. y_d0c

    This is why Meth is bad

    "I dont agree with someone's views, decisions, and activities. Therefore, I should control them and their life. If they do not oblige I will call them ignorant, trash, among other insults. If that doesn't work I will chase them from my domain completely." That is logical and fair. Weren't u banned?? Wow.............the amazing chitheed returns...........fudgein hoser wait... whos was banned?
  14. y_d0c

    HBD Helotaxi

    yes happy birthday....
  15. y_d0c


    ^^you have SF on that airfiled up there?
  16. y_d0c


    ^^ive heard of that chit....im hopin to head over there a couple months after this dplmynt.... i assume it gtes pucking cold over there??
  17. y_d0c

    Welcome to the IHoP

    talk about driving makin you go pucking nuts...come to the desert and drive... so sweet
  18. y_d0c

    need a box design

    id didnt know that the q was made to get loud.....] maybe its just me
  19. y_d0c


    i truly pucking hate sand..........hummmmmmmmmm
  20. y_d0c


    ^^that would be fantastic if the winds would die down. We had about two straights weeks of 25-30k winds....itd also be cool if it didnt feel like someone was holding a pucking blowdrier in my face.... i starts mid day and run till about 1 am....it aint bad, still only drops down to about 105 or so... i dunno if you posted it before and i missed it but where the fudge you at helo???
  21. y_d0c

    Anyone into bmx I need a little help.

    some people like old school
  22. y_d0c


    ^^speaking of hot....its avg of 130 right now....had a few days that have been in the upper 140's...
  23. y_d0c

    Anyone into bmx I need a little help.

    sorry bro, nuttin....i could only find 20x1.75......its pushin it with only 20x1.5 how long you been ridin for?
  24. y_d0c

    Anyone into bmx I need a little help.

    ^ i was....one moment please.