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Everything posted by sound=vibration

  1. sound=vibration

    12" sub in a 1.0 cu ft box sealed

  2. sound=vibration

    Four 10" Icon enclosure (termlab Video...143.6 @ 10hz)

    utilizing the deck port i see... sick looking box ........ i never even imagined the front looking like that wow
  3. sound=vibration

    so the Fiance bought a car...

    haha, sound=vibration from the forum stopped by today and saw it women ?! we are thinking a dcon 12, or an icon 12, not sure yet. yes i did and i was very jealous i exspect a ride next time fudgeer.. lol did u get the seat done
  4. sound=vibration

    Which will be louder

    umm i would say 3.2 but dont quote me on it... smaller box more port is ussaly how comp boxes are.. that is the only reason i say it
  5. sound=vibration

    Four 10" Icon enclosure (termlab Video...143.6 @ 10hz)

    we have faith in u thump
  6. sound=vibration

    Dual 12" D-CON project

    lol hell they sound nice for sure... it was like sex to my ears when listening to rock ahhhhh
  7. sound=vibration

    Dual 12" D-CON project

    Wait till u hear them thump.. they suprised the hell out of me when i went to marks to check them out.. i cant wait to see this
  8. sound=vibration

    help me make the right move comonent selection

    whats your system consist of and what kinna car truck suv... let us know maybe able to help you out better
  9. sound=vibration

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Mark held a gun to my head and said i must become a member of his fourm or die ... lol
  10. sound=vibration

    ?s About My Future 15" Icon Setup

    do big three and get two yellow top optimas one for the front one for the back and u should be fine.. run everything with 0guage
  11. i get dimming off 800 but my batt is going out lol... time for a new one
  12. sound=vibration

    Building a box tomorrow, need input

    we need to know alot more... like what tunning you want to go with.. how much powre you giving them. what music you like to listen to... all that good stuff
  13. sound=vibration

    question on porting

    i dont think you would notice a change. big time air flow is way better with a flared port and you can see the advantage when you get metered lol. i dont know if you know about psp ports i dont remember their web site but i think someone on here knows what im talking about and will be glad to post their web link!! um i think it something like this hahah http://www.psp-inc.com/ and is you want to keep the box small go with flared ports from psp... i have used them before and they are great... they also have less dislacement so the box can be a bit smaller than a slot ported..ect
  14. sound=vibration

    any box builders?

    this guy can build anything! Also, trevor get ahold of me about that other dual 10 box you have. ummm mark are u thinking what i am thinking lol trevor get back to me about the other one
  15. sound=vibration

    16 year old budget build

  16. sound=vibration

    16 year old budget build

    guess ill jumpin as well hehe.. i have a malibu ltz 06 gonna be running two icon 10s with on of thumpers hybrid horns and hopefully a sick frontstage.. slow but shurley lol and im 16 as well can't wait to hear this set up btw. i cant wait either... thump is taking awhile to get back at me with the price kidney stones are killing him lol
  17. sound=vibration

    16 year old budget build

    he's talking about this box.. haha got it on the money... getting it from thumper soon and no i was not on the vid
  18. sound=vibration

    16 year old budget build

    guess ill jumpin as well hehe.. i have a malibu ltz 06 gonna be running two icon 10s with on of thumpers hybrid horns and hopefully a sick frontstage.. slow but shurley lol and im 16 as well
  19. sound=vibration

    One loud Trunk

    ditch the chrome stich around the doors and trunk and it will look 1000 times better in my op
  20. sound=vibration

    8 gauge speaker leads?

    why push terminal should be fine....
  21. swiss audio sx2000d benched at 21xx 1ohm
  22. sound=vibration

    port area for two cvr 15s

    Well I think, repeat "I THINK," that there is some factor that affects the sound. Maybe the area inside of the vehicle? This guy i know has a tahoe and whatever he throws in it is loud and sounds good. Now i own a single cab and im havin trouble with getting the sound that i like, even with sealed box's. I know you're gonna say thats its because of box volume but i've put bigger boxs across my bench seat and then i put the same exact sub and box into the back of a car and it was louder. So what i wanna know if there is a way that i can optimize how loud a box/sub will be in a certain cab area by tuning the box in accordance to the cab area. I don't know maybe this makes no sense and i'm an idiot ha i've just always wondered about this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to anyone who can clear this up!!!!!! ok what ur thinking of is cabin gain and frequency response... every car is different even if they are the same exact car.. they will have a different resonate frequency as well... if u are looking for a well all around sound it is best to have someone make a box taking in to effect ur cabin of ur specific car.. for me a nice ported box is fin between 30- 35 hrz for 15in cvr... i have owned some my self.. i think for what u are looking for you will get away with 32 hrz about 8 cubes after displacement and 112 or so sqin of port... should suit u well i think Ahh i see! I need read up on that! But keep in mind that this box is for a 1997 extended cab chevy 1500 so do you think 32hz will work well? I WOULDNT SEE WHY NOT... NOW THAT DEPENDS ON WHAT UR LOOKING FOR... IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FLAT RESPONSE YOU MIGHT WANT TO GO WITH SOME ONE WHO CAN DESIGN THAT FOR YOU... BUT IF YOUR LOOKING FOR A NICE DAILY BEATER BY ALL MEANS 32 HRZ WILL WORK WELLL... IM NOT SURE WHAT FREQUENCY IT WOULD PEAK AT OR WHERE THE RESPONSE WOULD START TO CLIMB AND ROLL OF BUT IT SHOULD BE FINE... THATS WERE I WOULD TUNE TO IF IT WERE ME
  23. sound=vibration

    port area for two cvr 15s

    Well I think, repeat "I THINK," that there is some factor that affects the sound. Maybe the area inside of the vehicle? This guy i know has a tahoe and whatever he throws in it is loud and sounds good. Now i own a single cab and im havin trouble with getting the sound that i like, even with sealed box's. I know you're gonna say thats its because of box volume but i've put bigger boxs across my bench seat and then i put the same exact sub and box into the back of a car and it was louder. So what i wanna know if there is a way that i can optimize how loud a box/sub will be in a certain cab area by tuning the box in accordance to the cab area. I don't know maybe this makes no sense and i'm an idiot ha i've just always wondered about this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to anyone who can clear this up!!!!!! ok what ur thinking of is cabin gain and frequency response... every car is different even if they are the same exact car.. they will have a different resonate frequency as well... if u are looking for a well all around sound it is best to have someone make a box taking in to effect ur cabin of ur specific car.. for me a nice ported box is fin between 30- 35 hrz for 15in cvr... i have owned some my self.. i think for what u are looking for you will get away with 32 hrz about 8 cubes after displacement and 112 or so sqin of port... should suit u well i think
  24. sound=vibration

    Help with new box.

    umm i would say two seperate... best option or just wait till u get both 15s and make a new box then....
  25. sound=vibration

    6 Alpine TypeR's, 2002 Escalade
