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Everything posted by sound=vibration

  1. sound=vibration

    142.7 in trunk @ 34hz w/crx syle box lol

    lol i take it u are one of the people we demoed it to..
  2. sound=vibration


    Ok im getting ready to upload some pics i shot of the new shirts hoodies and button downs we bought. woot woot.. they are great qaulity the embroidering is nice.. there will also be some other pics of icons and other random ish... uploading to photbucket now
  3. sound=vibration

    300C Bagged on 24s, tear down and build log! Vid, P.6

    wow that was pretty nasty to see in person... i felt like crying lol they and excuse my french but fudgeED him over
  4. sound=vibration


    a sub fairy dropped it off when i lost my tooth
  5. sound=vibration

    Kicker CVX 15"s V.S.Fi Q 15"s

    12's ported would be a great idea. I would suggest the Q's also. I've heard a few of these and I would say no comparison to the CVX. ya two twelves ported would be alot better in my op...
  6. sound=vibration


    ummm is that ur setup in the pic of the blazer.. if so that port is super little... lol it looks like it should be bigger imo
  7. sound=vibration

    newb from ky

  8. sound=vibration

    1 15 BTL problem

    i dont understand it either because i got everything done at an audio shop but.... theres the problem lol
  9. sound=vibration

    4 WMD2 18's/ 99 4Runner

    i wanna see the port its gonna be huge!!!!
  10. sound=vibration


    like my avatar..!!! were gonna go pick up some 0guage for the f250 in a bit... have some more pics for the build!!!!
  11. sound=vibration

    eD19ov.2 vs. Fi Q and Bl 18s

    Which means what exactly? You have a very rich and stupid friend who decided to blow much more money than he needed to on overrated subwoofers? hahah COMEDY i love it...
  12. sound=vibration


    ttt for those who havent caught this thread... enjoy
  13. sound=vibration

    4 WMD2 18's/ 99 4Runner

    umm i hope this turns out goodd.. looks crazy just not to sure how firing into each other is gonna work... but if it does more power to ya/// post mor pics There are plenty of loud setups with such a box style... ya just looked different... but then what do i know ... lol? looks sick for sure...
  14. sound=vibration

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i love my new avatar... hahaha...
  15. sound=vibration

    4 WMD2 18's/ 99 4Runner

    umm i hope this turns out goodd.. looks crazy just not to sure how firing into each other is gonna work... but if it does more power to ya/// post mor pics
  16. sound=vibration

    XCON 18's

    they are awaiting the new dust caps... shouldnt be long ... them things look AMAZING!!!! thinking of switching out until the new 22" BTLS come out and i rebuild. ill assure u they will be loud and sound sick as well... there is a build log for 2 xcon 18s in the build section check it out ive seen it good deal.. if your gonna get them buy quick there is tons of people in line
  17. sound=vibration


    its ssa and other.. thought i would treat u guys lol.. I missed the "other" lol its all gudddddd..
  18. sound=vibration

    XCON 18's

    they are awaiting the new dust caps... shouldnt be long ... them things look AMAZING!!!! thinking of switching out until the new 22" BTLS come out and i rebuild. ill assure u they will be loud and sound sick as well... there is a build log for 2 xcon 18s in the build section check it out
  19. sound=vibration


    its ssa and other.. thought i would treat u guys lol..
  20. sound=vibration

    XCON 18's

    they are awaiting the new dust caps... shouldnt be long ...
  21. sound=vibration


    For thoughs wondering... all are aviliable in the ssa shop... and prices are.. Hoodies and Dickie Button Downs... 30$ Hats.. 20$
  22. sound=vibration


    here is a 12in hx2 that me and mark did for some guy.. one of the many setups to come out of that garage.. lol WHAT WAS IN IT BEFORE EWWWW..
  23. sound=vibration


    umm the SSA STORE.. hehe JK not sure on pricing and they should ship pretty quick not sure on how long though well i looked and all i saw was hoodies, hats and dickie shirts i think shirt are sold out at the moment .... hopefully mark chimes in soon