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Everything posted by sound=vibration

  1. sound=vibration

    Big Dave's Truck Project

    sick... i need to learn how to fiberglass
  2. sound=vibration

    ~The Right Sub~

    im a highschool student and id rather just save.. its better in the long run
  3. sound=vibration

    159 Bass Racer - SounDigital and Mach 5

  4. sound=vibration

    How big should i go

  5. sound=vibration

    How big should i go

    ne one before i go get wood and cut lol
  6. sound=vibration

    icon 15: ported or sealed enclosure?

    x2 u will love it if possible fire the woofer up and port torward the hatch
  7. sound=vibration

    sirlancelot's enclosure

  8. sound=vibration

    How big should i go

  9. sound=vibration

    How big should i go

    its icbm - 5612 ill pull them up real quick pretty cheap woofers
  10. sound=vibration

    Team SSA BBQ @ marks house AZ, FRIDAY 4/24

    i gotta meet arron in person .. lol always talked on the phone and i gotta say he is a kool ass person and very fudgen smart lol
  11. sound=vibration

    Anyone want reaction vids? XCONs?

    caught me be suprise i was like u puckers.. and man videos dont do justice for the flex... man that thing flexs
  12. sound=vibration

    Team SSA BBQ @ marks house AZ, FRIDAY 4/24

    yeaya ill be there ... do i get anything for comming from Phoenix ? lol jk
  13. sound=vibration

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    i wanna see some hair tricks!!!! there gonna be insane
  14. sound=vibration

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Stole my idea I couldnt get a good picture of that on my 18's. B E A utiful XCON bitches lol
  15. sound=vibration

    Single 12 xcon + BJ fisher box

    out put wise how was it compared to the 15...
  16. lol there is alot of car auto show here.. alot of poeple value thier cars out here and then you got the thrown together pieces of ishes and what not.. ill get the honors to demo this to people again ahhh never gets old if you're up for it, the job is yours. i would have to be gay to not take up the offer
  17. sound=vibration

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    ehh i feel for his house.. its gonna fall apart being that close to that monster.. anyway i wanna see what he cooks up with the dcon 8s when they are finnaly done...
  18. lol there is alot of car auto show here.. alot of poeple value thier cars out here and then you got the thrown together pieces of ishes and what not.. ill get the honors to demo this to people again ahhh never gets old
  19. sound=vibration

    Help. Speaker Freq. question

    x2 strong front stage... is the way to got sounds kinna funny when the sound comming from behind you rather than infront of you were it is supposed to be
  20. sound=vibration

    15" TC-2000 Home Theater Flared Labyrinth Port

    just dont use fedex.... hahahahaha
  21. sound=vibration

    DP or xcon?

    ask thumpper to compare the JBLs to XCONs here shortly. I bet he'll have a great comparison ready. lol i heard through the great bine that the icon would be a better comparison to the gtis but then again what do i know.. hahaha
  22. sound=vibration

    Pounding Icon

    i though u were doing a dcon... what made u decide to go with an icon
  23. sound=vibration

    Building a Subwoofer

    Around $140 or so for just the sub, but would prefer it to be below that price. Around $180 or so for the amp also. And my bad about the poll question. Haha, I wasn't even thinking about it when I posted it. If I got a sub for SPL, would it just not hit the notes clean, or is there something else that defines Sound Quality? Thanks EDIT: Is this sub any better than 2 COMPS, Diamond Audio, or RE Audio? http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...tnumber=295-414 Edit #2: Would it be better to get this Plate amp instead of the Pyle PT3300? http://www.parts-express.com/pe/showdetl.c...tnumber=300-750 comps suck on lowend especially if your gonna watch movies.... they daytona might be a good match .. i have never heard one personally but i have heard of people having decent result from them... what are you planning on doing as far as enclosure goes... a big ported or tline would be nice in my op
  24. sound=vibration

    xcon sealed

    or a low tunned ported box around 30 hrz would be nice.. up to u... very great sub by the way
  25. Full system? Kinda hard for only $500. maybe a nice front stage would do the trick a nice 4 channel amp and a really nice set of tweets and 6 1/2s