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About fish

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  1. I'm going back & forth between using 2 15" IB3's & 1 18" IB3, but am a little concerned about their output between 50-80hz. I'm going to use 8" pro audio midbass in my doors, but from what I've read they shouldn't be crossed lower than 80hz. Does anyone have any input they can give me on the IB3 line playing these higher frequencies?
  2. I see enclosure recs for all the subs except the one I'm interested in... the Faltlyne 15". What's smallest to largest sealed?
  3. fish

    Prototype "SA" Series

    Hey Jacob, is the Audiomobile MASS clone gonna be one of the 7 lines? Haven't heard anything about this in about a year.
  4. fish

    SSA teaser pics of 8" driver

    I've been waiting for an 8" that has the potential to replace the rl-i8. Any chance these will be available in dual 4 ohm?
  5. I'm looking to downsize in the trunk of my 03 civic 4dr. Right now I have 1 15"TC2000 in a 3.2cf @32hz powered by an Alpine PDX 1.1000. Honestly, I could stand to lose a little output. So my question is how does 3 10lvl2 sealed vs. 2 10lvl3 ported compare in terms of output, upper bass freq, & lower bass freq? Also, would both of these setups be a BIG step down to my current one? Thankyou.