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Joseph M

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Everything posted by Joseph M

  1. Joseph M

    18" Nightshade....

    jeeze man, i want one.
  2. Joseph M

    Getting every last tenth of a DB

    closing the AC vents.
  3. Joseph M

    18" BTL in Mazda 6 running off Memphis 4kw (pics)

    even in a SUV? runn the box smaller? curious about leaving the aero's inside the box or out.
  4. Joseph M

    18" BTL in Mazda 6 running off Memphis 4kw (pics)

    awesome numbers man. i am planning on doing aero ports here pretty soon so i should break the 150 mark (if all is well). very nice build man. shocked to see all that sub in a trunk.
  5. Joseph M

    15" ported btl box

    well my brother did the same with his 15'' (dd 9515) in his neon and it definatly isnt easy. he used card board templets for tracers and to see how everything fit then cut it out in the MDF. definatly alot of messuring and sanding. he hit a 143.6in a trunk of a neon with that sub and a bxi2006d with volts at 13.9 the whole 30 seconds if not higher. its pretty much the way you explained it with sub foward, port foward sealed off. i think he has pics over at CA.com. the build logs under Jeremy M
  6. Joseph M

    1 BTL 18 fully loaded~ highest on TL?

    Thats loud just messing around. ya definatly loud. anybody got any real scores?
  7. whats the best score for a BTL 18''???? i am going to get mine metered saterday so i will post up my score then possibly with a video. what all have you hit?
  8. Joseph M

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    Is there an extreme shortage on baskets and motors latly? seems like everyone is at a stand still with this problem
  9. Joseph M

    Prototype Big Boy SPL Motor

    Wow. is there going to be a 18''???
  10. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    thanks Brian for the info. i will look into the pre outs and re do the gain. I just found the article Nikuk wrote and i am going to put that into affect to find out what exactly my IMP rise is. i am guessing but i dont think its that low.
  11. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    When i am playing Young Jeezy - Put On, with a saz 3k at .5 ohm with volts dropping no lower than 12.6 with the volume all the way up to what i would listen to other songs, i can smell somthing funky. is it excess glue burning off? or should that be my key to back it down?
  12. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    wow i take it thats why most of the top people have 0 scopes eh??
  13. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    could it be a bad quality of the song? i will go get it tuned by an O-Scope and go from there.
  14. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    is that jus to much power for that a single 18? The magic smoke appears........................ weird thats its jus that one song that i have ever smelt it. i even did a 55hz down to like 20hz and never smelt it.
  15. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    is that jus to much power for that a single 18?
  16. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    i've never had my deck all the way up or even close but it would still send a bad signal at like 33/46?(w/e max is) its the premier 960mp
  17. Joseph M

    btl 18 ~ Excess glue burn off?

    Clipping i thought was below like 12.2, do you have aim? i am going to hook it up to a O-scope and see if it is clipping. its not all the way up FYI jus all the way up to what i tuned it to, like 32 out of 50. and the gains arent even half way. fyi: I have a 960mp, my aim is maggichandz if u can IM me. i'd apreciate it.
  18. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    i have the fully loaded btl, in jus 6 3^4 cu ft box tuned to 34.78 and theres no doubt about it being loud, and rumbling things BUT i am not able to do a hair trick. there is very little air being moved around. is this normal? or is the box to close to the hatch, and not getting enough air? my brother has the 9515g and we put his box n sub in my ride and it moved air like crazy, but the btl isnt move any. any ideas why?
  19. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    01 Tahoe, its about 22 square inches of port area per cubic Right now its sub up port back, port on the passanger side. and the box is diangle loading up on the passanger side (give it some more room until i move my batteries)
  20. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    Well today i found a song that would raise the hair, or possibly do a hair trick but it was rumbling the chit out everything! anyone smelt excess glue being heated up yet?
  21. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    Sorry if these questions make seem "quick on the draw" but i've never had an 18, always 12/15'' so i am kinda not knowing what to expect.
  22. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    don't understand why you've been so quick on the draw and aggrivated since you ordered the sub. Loud is loud, regardless. But this is just a little bit ridiculous. If it does well on the meter i wont have any problems.and i am not aggrivated on this subject, i am just curious as if there is to much port area, or if its jus not broken in yet.
  23. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    what box design if at 33hz u are doing a hair trick? possible there is to much port area eh.... i am going to move my batteries tomorrow and put the speaker about 6 inches away from the hatch and see if that helps. right now i got the box diangle, loading up the corner of the tahoe. thanks for your input, i think i am going to go with some aero ports soon if i dont get rid of this sub.
  24. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    deminsion W 40.5x H 19 x Depth 22
  25. Joseph M

    18 btl:: not moving air but...

    the whole thing about this question was my box tuned to high to do a hair trick or move air, or was it just to close to the hatch? if you didnt think this was a logical question then what are you doing reading it? my tape messure went MIA, so i dont have the demension jus yet FYI: I didnt buy this sub for sq, i bought this sub for SPL. obviously if theres no air moving theres no PL. correct me if i am wrong.