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Everything posted by bigbruno

  1. bigbruno

    My gig

    Glucosamine does do miracles, but it doesn't fix it. If you did tear the MCL, which it sounds like you did do, the best thing to do is to have it fixed. No matter what they tell you. I tore my MCL and destroyed my ACL a few years back, and all the doctors did on it was an ACL replacement. I still have problems now after about 4-5 years with my MCL. And just to let you know, that was a very painful surgery, with a long recovery time. I don't wish that on anybody.
  2. bigbruno

    What does your username stand for/mean?

    It is a nick name I got back when I was in high school working at Quiznos. My friends and I were bored one day, so we started coming up with names for eachother. Mine was Big Bruno, cause I'm a big guy, one of the other guy's was Donny Lambrusco, and the other was Guido. It's amazing what bordom can do for you. It's just stuck ever since and is my screen name on all the forums I go on.
  3. bigbruno

    Got my First ticket...

    I hear ya. I got my first noise violation ticket a couple of months ago in my truck. It only 2 10's that aren't really all that loud. I never got one though when I had my Ranger with 4 15's that was loud enough to hear from about a mile away. The whole time I was getting my ticket though, you could other people's stereo's further away and louder than mine. It just plain suck's.
  4. bigbruno

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    We want to build a rack for the amps - until then neatening the wires will be a waste I'm not sure what amps you are thinking of, these are prototypes that we may produce after further testing. So far they have not been an ounce of trouble. I was kinda thinking they might possibly be the prototypes THE are in your signature
  5. bigbruno

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    Looks like a big ball of snakes back there. But hey, as long as it gets the job done, that's all that matters. If those are the amps I think they are, they are incredibly small. You can barely see them.
  6. bigbruno

    ~~ SSA Protoype super8 ~~

    At the moment, the baskets are still getting worked on. Believe me I wish it went faster, but a change in tooling takes time. But it will be worth it in the end as the travel issues with the cone will be gone compared to the standard 12spoke 8" cone. Any teaser pics or anything else yet?
  7. bigbruno

    Playing with Big Boy Monster 15"

    Sounds like my kind of fun
  8. bigbruno

    SunDown & DC Audio - SPL Silverado

    How'd you make the plug for the port? Is it noticably louder than the 4 15's were?
  9. bigbruno

    SunDown & DC Audio - SPL Silverado

    That setup looks like a real beast. What's the specs on that box?
  10. bigbruno

    sundown takes the win !!

    What subs are you running in there? It looks like it would be painful.
  11. bigbruno

    2 15's Setup 2400watts. updated

    156 square inches from the front of the port to the back of the box on the inside, thats without the baffles I think you're a little off there. Looking at your picture, if you used 3/4" MDf, your port is 123 sq in.
  12. bigbruno

    Project David and Goliath

    Makes sense, that's about the only thing big enough to hold a box that big. That would definetly be something interesting to see and hear when it's done.
  13. bigbruno

    Project David and Goliath

    That thing is huge. What is it going in?
  14. bigbruno

    Awesome Fiberglass Enclosures

    How on earth does he make them with no wood at all though? Seems like they wouldn't be as strong without it. Could just be me though. They do look pretty good.
  15. bigbruno

    Joe's wall build

    So what's the next change going to be?
  16. bigbruno

    Hurricane Gustav

    It's like that up in Dallas right now? I never heard anything about it being like that up there.
  17. bigbruno

    took 1st on autoshow this weekend...yay

    Congrats to ya.
  18. bigbruno

    SSA iCon, my present, from parents

    When I was a little kid, my grandfather gave me money when I got good grades. In high school though, I always got the "You could done better. You know this right?" Even though I was working full time and doing an internship at the same time. You've got some really cool parents.
  19. bigbruno

    Pics from Saturday MECA Show

    12 cubes after displacement w/ 169 in^2 port area tuned to 35 Hz. That port looks like it's alot bigger than that. Pretty impressive though. I like
  20. bigbruno

    Pics from Saturday MECA Show

    What's the specs on that box? That port is mamoth, and I know there's not a whole lot of room in the back of those Bronco II's.
  21. bigbruno

    tooloud jejeje

    Welcome to SSA
  22. bigbruno

    18" NS and 3000D

    Me likey I wnat some of those.
  23. I remember reading an article one time back when they first came out with new body F-150's and I had mine about a dual alternator kit for them. It was either from Mechman, or Ohio Gen if I remember right.
  24. bigbruno

    Sundown and Fi Build

    Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. It's not the best HU in the world, but it works. And as long as long like, that is what counts. If nothing else, use it for now and get a better one later.
  25. bigbruno

    Future Amplifiers

    That's cool, but now you just made the decision making a little harder with more choices. It'll be a little while still I'm ready to buy another amp, so hopefully by then the 1000d will be part of the SAZ line and I can get a Matching 1000D and the 100.4.