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Everything posted by bigbruno

  1. bigbruno

    SAX-50.4 Pre-Order

    When do you expect the amps to be in? I might have to round some money up to get in on this one.
  2. bigbruno

    Wall Setup

    I see know, I didn't catch that it was a crew cab. For some reason I thought that it was an S-10. Is it a Colorado?
  3. bigbruno

    Wall Setup

    Why couldn"t you just make one box 45" wide, and pull the seats out to box in? I don't undersatand why it has to be 2 seperate boxes.
  4. bigbruno

    Wall Setup

    The btl's aren't recommended to be run sealed either.
  5. bigbruno

    another nice october day at college

    Man, I wish we had that probelm here every now and then. We're lucky if it's cool on Christmas to need a coat or something other than shorts and a t-shirt. Cool campus though, the view is awesome
  6. bigbruno

    20.1 $$$

    The pre-sale is going on in the store right now. The price is in there.
  7. bigbruno

    Ghetto box 148.3

    I know *laughs* We have thought about making plates for different sized holes to see if we can get it to a 150. I think you should, that would be interesting to see if it would work.
  8. 4/0 vs. 4ga Here's a pic of 4/0 next to some 4ga. for you to compare.
  9. I know that 1/0 wire next to 4/0, looks like 8ga next to a piece of 1/0. It dwarfs it!!
  10. bigbruno

    (6) Mayhem 15's and (6) 40.1's

    Any pictures on the progress?
  11. bigbruno

    The wait is almost over.....20.1's

    You didn't notice the fins under the heatsink? It looks similar of what Sundown uses. Here the picture that shows em. That's exactly what I thought when I saw the new pics. I started looking for the little micro fins on it too, but couldn't see any.
  12. this ones becoming a real nail bitter now.
  13. bigbruno

    The wait is almost over.....20.1's

    Aren't those just purtty. It really puts it into perspective just how much smaller they are when they are next to the older one too.
  14. That's what I was wondering too.
  15. bigbruno

    Wire Run .. Why?

    They make some clamps that are meant for fuel and brake lines that are rubber lined that woul work better and won't break real easy either.
  16. bigbruno

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    All you rpictures disappeared
  17. bigbruno

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    Holy crap shoot batman. That thing is huge!!! Is the one on the left the 6000? And another thing, where on earth is the box in that pic??
  18. bigbruno

    loud noise from speakers all of a sudden...

    Did you move any of your grounds when you took it out? I would check it again just to make sure you're getting a good ground and that it is not your issue.
  19. bigbruno


    Sounds like your charcoal canister. They usually can only hold around 3oz of liquid (designed for vapor not liquid). Thats why you're not suppose to keep filling your tank when the pump stops the first time. this extra fuel sits on a sensor in the vent tube and causes the evap system to not work properly It's very important to not overfill vehicles of the 2000s model years, especially the latest models for shure That's not exactly true. What usually causes them to "burp" fuel out lik ethat is a vent line either pinched, or a vent valve is nt opening. Most of the time it's not something major, but it can be. Being that is no check engine lights on, I would bet that it is a problem somewhere with a vent. I have even seen people come in with problems of a wasp or mud-dobber building a nest in the vents before. If it is filling the purge canister, then you have an issue with a vfent valve somewhere not working properly. But if this was the case, you'd have a check engine light on. And seeing how you don't, I doubt that would be it.
  20. bigbruno

    Joe's wall build

    I like that color, it deinetly makes it pop now instead of just looking like any other bagged s-10. Now I'm curios about the next stage
  21. bigbruno

    Dyno in your pocket?

    You can also put it on the Ipod Touch
  22. bigbruno

    Big Sundown Build

    He's already using 4 of them on it right now. Now if it was 3000's, then it would be worht it.
  23. bigbruno

    ideas on making alt post longer

    You might be able to have some luck at Lowe's or Home Depot, but you should be able to find one at a bolt and screw store. I don't know what's available to you in your area. If you don't have any luck though, let me know. I should be able to find some here if you give me the thread size, and either mail it to you or bring it down there some weekend.
  24. bigbruno

    ideas on making alt post longer

    What you could do to extend it, is I have seen deep nuts at hardware stores before. Get one the same thread, and then just thread it on and add a stud to the other end. They're usually about 1/2" to 1" in length.
  25. Thanks. I like to post as many pics as possible so I don't get a thousand emails requesting this pic or that pic. This vehicle was a redo. The original install was a butcher job so there was a lot of things that needed to be fixed and replaced. I hate to admit it but I put over 200 total hrs into this beast. Parts finding, installing, research, etc. It definitly shows. That is a very clean install, and I wish I had the space and oppotunity(sp?) to be able to do something like that. Hopefully one day I will.