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Everything posted by fritosaregood

  1. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    still waitin on my order from PE, so for now i carpeted it and put it in my car without stuffing, it sounds really good,
  2. fritosaregood

    Fi Q vs Havoc 15 drop in comparison

    mm.. numbers. how much power to them
  3. fritosaregood

    What does this many dB sound like?

    144 HUMAN NOSE ITCHES -REF.1.1983 haha, i feel that all the time
  4. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    not a joke, i thought i saw a pic on that site a while ago that looked like foam stuffed in the line, Ive got some stuffing from parts express on the way, that foam was just a thing i saw at walmart, so i figured id see how it worked,
  5. fritosaregood

    Merry Christmas Team Sundown Members

    how are you gettin in touch with Thilo
  6. fritosaregood

    2-12's or 1-12?

    i got tired of fuses and got a circuit breaker
  7. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    its just some craft foam I got from walmart, it says 100% urethane foam, ill try takin out the middle and see wat happens. I also ordered some Acousta-Stuf polyfill from PartsExpress earlier today. oh and the foam is 3 layers of 1" thick foam. I thought i was suppose to fill the entire area of the line,
  8. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    i did a little test today, is that the right way to stuff the line? It seems like there is hardly any sound. the sub has about a 3/4" space between the foam because its mounted on the outside of the wood, with the magnet out. should i have more room between the foam or should it be close like that. Also, is this the right thing to stuff with?
  9. fritosaregood

    2-12's or 1-12?

    If I get a 200A alternator why do I need a battery? How would it be wired? you need the extra batteries to store that energy. Wiring the battery: connect it in parallel with you other battery, + to + & - to -. also it would good to have a fuse at both batteries. for wiring the alternator, a run of 0 gauge from the alternators positive post to the battery's positive (use a fuse). then also use 0 gauge to ground the alt too. Dont wire it like that! just run 1]0 AWG from the front positive terminal, to the positive of the other battery and ground the battery to the chassis. fuses in between. do it like this: chassis ground -----(neg-) front battery +------fuse--------------------------------------------fuse-----+back battery (neg-) -------ground to chassis yea. i was just bein general about how to wire parallel.
  10. fritosaregood

    2-12's or 1-12?

    If I get a 200A alternator why do I need a battery? How would it be wired? you need the extra batteries to store that energy. Wiring the battery: connect it in parallel with you other battery, + to + & - to -. also it would good to have a fuse at both batteries. for wiring the alternator, a run of 0 gauge from the alternators positive post to the battery's positive (use a fuse). then also use 0 gauge to ground the alt too.
  11. yea 1500 on each would work good, i used a hifonics bx1608 on mine for a few months before i got my electrical upgraded for my sundown.
  12. fritosaregood

    did 147.3 legal today,

    you strapped two different brand amps together..
  13. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    updates.. its not done yet.. i might have time tomorrow to finish. I shrunk it all down to fit in one box.
  14. if i were you id jump on that deal. thats the sale price on PE. regular around 650 i think. Ive got a 15 axis being powered by a saz3000, i love it, the only problem ive seen so far is customer support sucks. Ive tried to get in touch with audiopulse and they never answer there phones or reply to my emails. But if you get the axis youll get loud and it will still sound great too. and if i were you id go with a saz 3000 instead of 2 1500s the one one PE is a quad 1 ohm. so you you couldnt run full power out of 2 1500s unless you put 1/2 ohm load on each amp. again, jump on that deal. i got my 15 then a few months later they went on sale for 350 and i got another without even havin to debate about it.
  15. fritosaregood

    SPL S3 Vs. Nightshade

    i went to a comp a while back and almost every kid there that wasnt a regular, all had proboxes with kicker subs, it made for a borin competions at the least.
  16. fritosaregood

    Second Skin Bed Liner -

    bed tread rough protection
  17. fritosaregood

    Right parts?

    that 0 would work
  18. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    so i know its been said alot that tlines arent meant for spl, but what about them makes that happen, is it because its basically like having a free air sub
  19. fritosaregood

    Right parts?

    look for the seller uneeksupply, i think thats the name, thats were i got my wire
  20. fritosaregood

    Right parts?

    closer to 100% copper wire is better
  21. fritosaregood

    Right parts?

    thats wat i used to ground my alt,
  22. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    what im going to do is use just one box put the subs on the outside of the sides, the use stuffing to decrease the frequency tune. if that works out good ill try to do one for 4 of the 8's also ive been playin the guess wat i have in my trunk game, ppl are sayin 2 12's a 1 or 2 15's(i think those ppl didnt know anythin) and 1000 watts... then i say 2 8's 350 watts
  23. fritosaregood

    Right parts?

    dont remove the old wired from the alt, just at the 0 guage, i put 0 guage from my alt to my chassis too.
  24. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    exactly what I was trying to figure out...basically you are free airing the sub around tuning and output is weak. What you should have done is have one side tuned low and the other side tuned 1/3 octave higher or so. Should have done more research. ive done some research,.. i just wanted to try somethin
  25. fritosaregood

    Sundown E8 Tline

    today i took it back apart and blocked of the back chamber at .3cubes it sounds alot better, i put both boxes in my car just now and it sounds great, it's the best 8's ive heard so far.