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About fritosaregood

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  1. fritosaregood

    BTL Coil Specs

    um.. bump
  2. fritosaregood

    BTL Coil Specs

    What are the ID, OD, and WW of the old 2 stack, old 3 stack, and the single slug BTL coils? Both the D1 and D2 of each.
  3. i had 2 kinetik 2400s in the back and an 1800 up front, 2 runs of pos and 2 runs of neg to the back
  4. i have one on my 95 4c accord and it does fine. sometimes the car sounds like it hates it though, but ive had it on over a year now and its been great.
  5. fritosaregood

    Amplifier Headroom

    i just learned some words ive wondered about, Nice explanation. but, In you comparisons of the 50 watt amp and the 200 watt amp. How are the gains set? Are both amps set to give an output of 10 watts or is the 50 watt set to give 50 and the 200 watt amp set to give out 200.
  6. fritosaregood

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    So ive been lookin at some 8's to get, not wantin to wait for these, and thought about the dd1508. I saw you bought some to test and i was thinkin,, hmm maybe ill see youll sell them. Then i saw the pic comparsion.. forget about the dds hah
  7. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    i agree now that ive feel how heavy this thing is. Do you have any pics of ppl that have added bolts. and is it easy to hide them?
  8. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    Got the drive door deadened today. did the inside part then the outerpart, then i put on the door panel so i could have music again. i should get the other one done tomorrow.
  9. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    not too much done today. it was 5:00 before i got my car back from gettin the brakes fixed i finished runnin all the speaker wire and put in the crossovers. then i started on the centerconsole and dash. i also cleaned off the doors to get ready for deadening Sutherlands had a dollar isle with paint brushes not sure wat im gonna do with the console right now, but i want to have a cover over it to hide my zune.
  10. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    i finished up the parts for the tweeters. but dont have any pics of that now im still waitin for vinyl too. I did get a delivery of wire, 50 ft of ground, 25 ft of red power, and 15 ft of blue power. and 500 ft of 18 gauge yellow my dad took home a 1000 ft spool of 18 gauge speaker wire that im going to use with the yellow to wire up lights and relays. i also started running 14 gauge speaker wire to my doors. kinda sucked, i had to take off my tire, part of the inner fender things and drill though the doop and add some rubber grommets. and it started to rain while i was doin it. then the other door Ive usually been gettin tons of my work done on tuesdays, but when i took the wheels off i saw that i need new brakes. so thats gettin done tomorrow.
  11. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    What i use is sometimes called kitty hair, Its like a jelly resin with long or short strand of fiberglass mixed in. the way i learned was fiberglass, kitty hair, body filler, but i just use kitty hair last most of the time. ive never used rage though, just bondo brand stuff from walmart. the bondo should be thicker, ive heard of ppl thinning it out with somethin, but i cant remember wat. The way i apply it is spread, grate, spread, grate, sand. before I apply the filler i sand down the fiberglass. i also sand down the fiberglass inbetween sessions, but for door panels i do it all the layers at once. Did that answer you? i kinda just rambled on
  12. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    Its going in an accord For mounting it. ive had door panels that were heavy before that held good with the factory clips. But if it doesnt hold ill have to find another way. A question thought. How is everyone else gettin bigger speaker wire into their doors. Im havin touble findin a way. the harness that go the to door already doesnt have any extra room around it, and is hard to get too, unless i take my door off. baby powder helps alot for me. i make sure to get inbetween my fingers too. unless i were gloves. bobonit, Did you notice my cheese grater.haha
  13. fritosaregood

    Fritosaregood Build

    I just got done with a temp box, http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...showtopic=27944 Now Im gonna start a build log of the rest of my car. hopefully ill finish it this summer. Right now im starting of with new door panels. each door will have 2 7in daytons and 1 morel tweeter. Started off with doorpanels for a junkyard cut of parts i didnt want Put some cloth to flatten out the basic shape now to mount the baffle before sandin, i played it baby poweder...prevents the itchin Delivery today!! Ring terminals I even got a sticker this time and another delivery the same day Tweeters and switches now to start on the tweeters deaden the inside of the door panel. idk if your suppose to do that. ill be doin the doors too thats wat ive got done so far it the past three days. Ive also ordered the vinyl to cover the doors, and more power wire for later
  14. fritosaregood

    97 Maxima Build Log

    Interesting, I'll have to try that !!! they make a shaper tool for bondo that looks like it. and i had a broken cheese grater. i like the cheese grater better too.
  15. fritosaregood

    97 Maxima Build Log

    I usually wait 5 or 10 mins after putting kitty hair down, then i go after it with a cheese grater.