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Everything posted by jimbo

  1. jimbo

    Look at this box design...Opinions Please!

    That's a 6th order bandpass. I guess you will be doing a blowthrough on your rear deck? While that will put the sound directly into your cabin, it will just make everything inside rattle even more. Go ahead and at least do some light sound deadening. It will sound much better without all of your body panels vibrating.
  2. jimbo

    The Lady

    I'm sure nobody cares, but my senior prom was last night and I have to show this gorgeous girl off. Ignore my ugly mug Her and her mother She looked incredible. You had to see her to believe it.
  3. jimbo

    2 way active

    Just for the rear passengers. Just keep the volume down so you can't hear it and it won't bother you.
  4. jimbo

    The Lady

    That's gotta suck man. Maybe find a better place to put your willynanny in her hooha?
  5. jimbo

    The Lady

    We've been together for a year and a half.
  6. jimbo

    Fi Q in IB

    How will a Q do in an IB setup? I will be upgrading to 15's most likely, should I stick with the Q's or would something else perform better for all out SQ? Price is not a huge issue.
  7. jimbo

    Sundown Amps Made in America?

    http://trutechnology.com/ American made electrical goodness. Check the prices.
  8. jimbo

    12" Fi BL Meterd

    Alan Dante has some competition
  9. jimbo

    12" Fi BL Meterd

    179.41 dB, no problem.
  10. Are there any SQ comps that are regularly in NC? I see that a lot of you SQ guys are from VA, where do you usually compete? Any local organizations or the like? I have never competed before, so I would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction. While I'm at it, what are the different SQ classes, and their requirements?
  11. It was mostly an impulse buy. Didn't think it all the way through. The p9 would definately be the easiest too.
  12. I have a Denon DCT-A100 HU and I have been looking for some good external signal processors since the Denon has absolutely nothing as far as processing goes. I'm basically looking for at least a 30 band EQ that has all your basic features, time alignment, etc. What are my options? My setup is as follows: 2 Fi Q 12's (possibly upgrading to 18's in the future) running in an IB Sundown SAZ-1500 on the subs And what's coming soon: Hybrid Technologies Legatia 3-way set (8" woofer, 4" midrange, 1" tweeter) Sundown SAX-100.4 on the mids and woofers Sundown SAX-100.2 on the tweets
  13. Should I just get rid of the Denon and get a DEX/DEQ-P9 for $890? That would be by far my least expensive option.
  14. I didn't even realize that I need to have a pc to use the Behringer. I guess I'm going for the Alpine then.
  15. Ah. I really just don't want to buy the separate controller and clutter up my dash with it. Not to mention it costs more than twice as much as my other options. Are there any other good plug and play options? What do I have to do to convert the balanced i/o to unbalanced i/o? And to JimJ: Which model of the DriveRack would you reccomend?
  16. jimbo

    SQ Competitions in Eastern NC

    I see. The only reason that I qualify for Modex is because I had to do a blowthrough in order to run IB.
  17. jimbo

    SQ Competitions in Eastern NC

    Got a link for NCSPL? I'm in Modex then. I guess thats some serious competition?
  18. What kind of power supply do I need? DC-AC, DC-DC or what? Whar kind of converter do I need to go from XLR to RCA? The DriveRack looks nice, but I like how the Behringer has the RTA processor along with the other meters. That was another thing that I was looking for, and that eliminates another piece of equipment.
  19. I'm thinking the Behringer 2496 is my best choice so far. That's exactly what I was looking for. Can ayone give me some info on how to do the 12v mod, and does it have RCA outputs? What do I need to get it working in my truck?
  20. Forgot to mention I'm looking for all out SQ. I want whatever will allow me to get everything tuned perfectly, and won't degrade the signal. Are there any other methods of controlling that unit?
  21. jimbo

    SSA Advertisement

    Congrats man, shes beautiful. You're a lucky guy.
  22. jimbo

    Any beer snobs here?

    Really into Grolsch, their Blonde is the smoothest beer I've ever tasted. Big into local microbreweries. There are a lot of them in the area.
  23. jimbo

    kinetik or powermaster?

    On the Sundown site he recommends using Powermaster
  24. jimbo

    kinetik or powermaster?

    Powermasters are pretty gangster