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About Cotyballs

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  1. Cotyballs

    Death Penalty's Rock

    Im slow
  2. Cotyballs

    Death Penalty's Rock

    Yeah that sucked alot
  3. Cotyballs

    Death Penalty's Rock

    Burped for fun at a 2x show in Alachua Florida and was pleasantly surprised
  4. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    Here is a little IDBL burp with the hated SKAR amps
  5. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    had a little issue and results most likely wont be posted until after a show this weekend
  6. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    I bought them on presale before SBN 2012 but I went overseas for my job for 13 months and never hooked them up. I will be switching to Incriminator Amps very shortly but i will only be going with two. Guess what they will be!
  7. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    Went to a show in Sanford this past weekend and put up some pretty good numbers on two amps. Bass boxing average door open was a 56.6 which dropped from a 57.2. In IDBL i burped a 57.8. While I was giving a couple guys a demo I broke my serpentine belt somehow (my guess is it slipped off one of the pulleys while I was playing around 18hz full tilt). When I got home I tore the two amps out for this
  8. Cotyballs

    Extremely impressed by my new Death Penalty's

    It wasnt bad for being on low power until my batteries got here. Now I need to work out my alternator bracket. thought I had it done
  9. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    kind of at a stand still with all I have going on and I need to redo part of the alternator bracket. i guess that comes with making it yourself
  10. Cotyballs

    Anyone recognize this van?

    agree with Jay. Only thing I saw was new Wardens
  11. Cotyballs

    Extremely impressed by my new Death Penalty's

    not 100% but i think the biggest think is cooling
  12. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    Port wall chubby More info on all eqipment please! amps are getting switched up shortly but for now 4 Skar 4500's, 3 Iraggi 320 amp alts, 8 Death Penalty 15's, American bass 4000vfr for mids, Sundown 100.4 for highs, pioneer 80prs, selenium mids and highs, 9 xs power D1600's and 1 XS 3100 and thats all i can think of right now
  13. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    cabinet grade. its sanded pine
  14. I have 8 15" Dp's and even on low power (1 of 4 amps on 11 volts) I was very impressed. Now that my batteries are here they should come alive. 4 4500's and 18 volt. Love the look of these newer model with the segmented motors
  15. Cotyballs

    8 IA Death Penalty's, 3 Alts, and 18 volt

    Lots and lots of 8 guage and the reason for the 8 guage