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About Biowaste

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/11/1979

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  • Location
    NC, USA
  • Interests
    Alpine CDA-9830<br />AudioControl Three.1<br />MTX Thunder 2300<br />MTX Thunder 4320<br />Infinity Kappa Front Stage<br />JL Audio trio of 10w6's
  1. Biowaste

    Sundown Audio CLOSED June 20 - 24

    There is no way you're a WCU grad!!! Us Catamounts know how to drank! LOL - Just messin' w/ you man. -Bio
  2. Biowaste


    Soon, I'll be running Peerless SLS 6.5" midbasses in my doors. Around $80 for the pair. I'll agree and say good midbass is the key for metal listeners. Just listen to George's tom sound on Ithyphallic (Nile) and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. You want those drums to be really warm, just like the real drum were recorded. Plus, the heavier guitar parts will punch more with dedicated midbass. Just some things to think about.. -Bio
  3. Biowaste

    SQ Competitions in Eastern NC

    LOL - here in western NC, no trunk/vehicle rattling is considered sound quality. -Bio
  4. Biowaste

    Component Set Recommendations?

    Update: So I took the plunge and had the doors deadened and sealed last week with Damplifier. I also had deflex pads put directly behind the speaker locations. Today, I ordered the Peerless SLS 6.5" woofers. What crossover points would you guys recommend for them? My plan is to high-pass my AudioControl Three.1 and low-pass my MTX Thunder 4320 amp to achieve a bandpass configuration, without spending the cash on a completely different crossover unit. I was thinking 50 or 60hz high-pass and 200hz low-pass (this is the highest freq. the crossovers on the MTX's will go). After that, have a good set of components take over everything from 200hz and up in some custom kick panels and have 1 ported sub handle 20hz to 50/60hz. How are those crossover points? Add: Just found out that getting a new crossover module for the Three.1 is about $20 shipped (each), haha. Ouch. I know it will be difficult to get the freq's dead on the first time, so what 2 or 3 should I start with? Thanks, -Bio
  5. Man, I tell you... I was in the market for some new components anyway. The Infinity Kappas I have now are very close to retirement. For $80, I said what the hell and took the plunge. If they aren't for me, then I can sell and replace 'em. Be sure and let me know what you think of them! -Bio
  6. 60hz? 50hz? I just hope they'll be able to survive it. Thanks, -Bio
  7. Some of my favorites: DynAudio's show car, the piano playing was pure sex to listen to CV Stroker van, absolutely smothering bass sitting in that thing (headphones and all) and surprisingly, JL Audio's little Austin Mini. What are yours? -Bio
  8. My plan was to run some PG rSD 6.5"s comps installed in properly sealed and deadened doors and to cross them around 75hz. That, plus a 12" either sealed or ported in the trunk. Do you think that would get me the midbass I'm looking for? In the most cost effective way of course... I'm heavily considering just dumping the kick pods and running an a-pillar/door setup. Over the years, imaging just isn't very important to me while driving. The time alignment on my HU should be enough to satisfy my listening needs. Thanks man! -Bio
  9. Hello gents, So all these years I've been a sealed enclosure type of guy. I listen to bands with lots of double kick and I enjoy it being deadly accurate.. However, I did hear a ported 12" this week that has me rethinking some things. The guy played me Megadeth's "Rust in Peace" (remastered) album and the sub seemed to do pretty well keeping up with the double kick. However, how would the transient response be for even quicker metal bands? (i.e. Divine Heresy, Wintersun, Nile, etc..) Would it stay somewhat accurate? or would it turn into a more muddled response? Or... is it dependent on the frequencies of that particular kick drum(s) and/or be dependent on the band/mix of the CD? For you metal guys, what port frequency tuning works best for you? Thanks, -Bio
  10. Biowaste

    crx guys

    I've always wanted one of the newer body styles as a little beat around car. If you were on the market for one, how would you go about it? Ebay Motors? Local sale papers? -Bio
  11. Earlier this week I had an opportunity to listen to a DD S4 amp. It was pushing a 6.5" component set up-front and one ported 12" in the trunk. Color me impressed, it sounded very good to my ears. I was just curious about other's people's opinions on the DD amps. *Are they reliable? *Are they expensive? *How is their customer service? The 4ch amp is rated at 100x2 and 200x2. Are there any other amps that can perform similarly for lower price? Just trying to weigh out all my options here by using ya'lls keen sense of cost vs. performance. What I really like here is the idea of simplicity. Headunit, amp, a set of comps, and one sub. I'm not looking to compete, but I am looking for quality music listening! Thanks guys, -Bio
  12. Biowaste

    Got's an opinion question

    If it were me, I'd also be concerned about the lower gas mpg with all that extra weight. With the way gas is priced now and in the future, you'll be spending more in the long run on that too. -Bio
  13. Biowaste

    Suggestions on Alts

    I had an Ohio Generator alt in my car for a few years and it performed very well. However, I got on it a little too hard merging with traffic and popped it (dead). -Bio
  14. Biowaste

    Component Set Recommendations?

    Thanks for the tips/suggestions guys. Looks like the first step I'm going to take is getting the doors ready for those drivers. Deadened to hell and back, deflex pad plus sealed as well as possible. -Bio
  15. Biowaste

    Component Set Recommendations?

    Easy is an understatement. Now that Peerless has the 7" SLS and CSS has the SDX-7 (amongst others), very easy. Is there a website with more info on these brands? Thanks, -Bio