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Everything posted by UpGradde

  1. UpGradde


  2. UpGradde


    Alpine SPX-17pro, hertz hsk165, Re audio xxx6.5, morel tempo 6, pioneer 720prs.
  3. UpGradde


    You know I'm there.
  4. UpGradde

    Best amp for 2 12" Fi Qs

    I would go with an AQ 2200 or if you want some headroom get a gp3000d-pro (if you can find one), atomic 3k, or of course the sundown 3k.
  5. UpGradde


    death tunnel
  6. UpGradde

    Edgar's new box for 2 18's!

    Another layer of mdf wont help with output. Besides its already got internal bracing. You'll see how sturdy it is when we all meet up. The 45's are a neglible add-on in my opinion and only good for a little more output (maybe .3db max?). Did you ever ask your buddy about that 4 channel RF amp? i muh homeboy is gone for a few years..... and another layer would indeed help output.... see a single layer will flex, causing the air to flex the box and not go in and out.... i gained. a full DB out of changing my cornors and using 1 1/2 wood. i mean just think of the turbulence that a 90 causes... its all about air flow. and a full DB is ALOT> anyhow good job guys. I see that sucks pelotas. I also see what your saying about the mdf flexing, but this box aint gonna flex at all with that 2x4 lol And while doing the 45's and using 1 1/2" mdf on your box did help, I am almost certain most of that db you gained came from your new box layout that seperates the subs into seperate enclosures and has the port in the middle.
  7. UpGradde

    what should i do???

    You want people to stare.... get 2 bls, take back seat out, make big ported box, get good 3k amp, then your in biznizz!
  8. UpGradde

    Edgar's new box for 2 18's!

    Another layer of mdf wont help with output. Besides its already got internal bracing. You'll see how sturdy it is when we all meet up. The 45's are a neglible add-on in my opinion and only good for a little more output (maybe .3db max?). Did you ever ask your buddy about that 4 channel RF amp?
  9. UpGradde

    Edgar's new box for 2 18's!

    Glad you like it Edgar. Fits perfectly as I can see from the pictures. I am sure it moves air... you should take some vids! Obviously it's not a beauty box, just a solid performance low tuned box that moves air. Big port
  10. UpGradde

    Edgar's new box for 2 18's!

    Oh. Here's one of the actual box by itself.
  11. UpGradde

    My first attempt at a mixtape cover

    It looks good dude but I agree with that one guy who said it should be in b&w except the street sign.
  12. UpGradde

    TV in trunk

    x2 thats for sure no matter what he chooses to do... unless he gets a drop screen.
  13. UpGradde

    TV in trunk

    Option 1 Option 2
  14. UpGradde

    Just won a deal fo a lifetime

    hell of a deal for a beast of an amp.
  15. UpGradde


    once again, i can see your reading comprehension is astonishing, the sitting in traffic thing was to prove a point. That is the easiest way to find chit to steal, not by running tags Your logic is astonishing. you never know what kind of people are out there. Not everyone thinks the same. you dont like me blackin out the plates, then get the fukc out my thread.
  16. UpGradde


    you betta watch out somebody might come creepin and take those q's...
  17. UpGradde

    carshowAZ 006.JPG

    thats what its all about!
  18. UpGradde

    Taste my 8

    damn nice!
  19. UpGradde


    Had to edit for all the jackers out there.
  20. UpGradde


    oh nice Lately everybodys been gettin my name wrong. You should see me now I respond to almost anyname that starts with an E.
  21. UpGradde


    I think you are talking to me? Edgar wtf is that lol. Just everbdy godamn it call me killa. because I will shove your head into me port and kill you with my bass. Naw just messin with ya. Yeah dude I'll give you a demo anytime.
  22. UpGradde


    Really? Where is it suppose to go?
  23. UpGradde

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Sent you an email.
  24. UpGradde


  25. UpGradde

    From: PICS

    oh yeah it's sitting pretty high. I personally like it.