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Everything posted by UpGradde

  1. UpGradde

    SAZ-2500D Prototype Is Here !

    Looks beefy! Man I love the way these amps look from the inside.
  2. UpGradde

    lincolns....... all big jons,...

    Looks real good brotha keep it up!
  3. Here Giuliano Stroe has six-pack abs before turning six years old. And he's also in the Guinness Book of World Records before he can probably even read it. Though it's highly unusual for a child to start weight training at such a young age, the pre-schooler entered the record books earlier this year after completing the fastest ever 10-meter walk with a weight ball between the legs, which is both both highly impressive and highly specific. Since then, a four-minute video of Stroe has hit the Internet and made him a viral sensation. It looks like a training montage from a Rocky movie, minus the Survivor soundtrack. (And, interestingly, Guiliano Stroe is almost the same size as Slyvester Stallone.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PndJi2Sia2w&feature=player_embedded The highlights: 0:32 -- The "Crouching Tiger" wall flip. 0:41 -- Backflips on the kitchen table. Even Richard Heene thinks that's questionable parenting. 1:43 -- Doing barbell curls with toddlers dancing to 50 Cent in the background. 3:19 -- More flipping, this time from a high bar. 3:39 -- My arms hurt from just watching that. The pre-schooler's gymnastic skills are every bit as impressive as his weightlighting prowess. Both sports are national obsessions in Romania, so Stroe should have plenty of options when he becomes a teenager ... in 2017.
  4. UpGradde

    TEXAS MEET 2222222

    Sorry brotha! Looks like it aint happenin this weekend. Dont know where to go or meet up. Not enough input.... I am sure we will give it another go here soon. Dont go dying on me!
  5. UpGradde

    CD Contest Winner

  6. Know any good spots to bass in peace?

  7. UpGradde

    TEXAS MEET 2222222

    Well it looks like our problem is finding a location. I really don't go outside of Austin much so I don't know shit about good peaceful bass locations out of Austin. I am down for any city, town, club, strip joint, ski resort, lake..... hmm a bbq would be nice... either way if anyone has an actual location (street names) where we can possibly bass in peace... POST!! Time flies and the 24th will come by quick.
  8. UpGradde


    Wouldve got 26's and used the extra money saved towards a loud ass system. Looks sick though.
  9. UpGradde

    Cobrainstall 001.jpg

    Beautiful. The way its suppose to be done.
  10. UpGradde

    I want to play a game....

    780 cdz
  11. UpGradde

    SAZ-3000D or AQ2200D

    Aq 2200. Excellent amps. Heard 2 15q's off of one and it slammed hard. And I am guessing the Hifo was mounted on or very near your box.... need to change the location if thats the case/
  12. UpGradde

    this ever happen to you

  13. UpGradde

    Can a Q be built up to handle 2500watts?

    As in 148 decibels with a single re se?................ spl magic powder?
  14. UpGradde

    TEXAS MEET 2222222

    Yeah my dads bday is on the 23rd.... 24th is not perfect but seems to be the best day.... I don't know what time yet... lets vote and see what everyone thinks.
  15. UpGradde

    TEXAS MEET 2222222

    Looks like its gonna be on Oct. 24 (Sat.), I think we can all agree on that.
  16. UpGradde

    TEXAS MEET 2222222

    Sounds like Oct. 24-25 should be ideal. Weather should be cool by then. bigjon - I always go to an empty target parking lot by I 35 to tune my system and nobody has complained yet. So I guess the cop was right. rodney - I might have some dynamat by then if so I'll bring it.
  17. UpGradde

    TEXAS MEET 2222222

    Don't even have to ask me haha.
  18. UpGradde

    DC LVL 5 10's

    those are sick!!
  19. UpGradde

    Which Sub?????

    Go with the fi Q or an ssa icon. Either would meet your goal.
  20. UpGradde

    Trying to decide but need your opinion

    I would go with the sundown 1500d and the xcon 15 no doubt. I think they have that combo for sale at the ssa store.
  21. UpGradde

    Two Havoc 12's

    If it were me, I would go with 4.4 cu. ft. tuned at 30-32hz. 66-70 sq. in. of port. Would hit the lows real well and move some air.
  22. UpGradde

    BOX BUILDER needed

    Location would help. If you are around or in Austin I'm the motherpucker you want.
  23. UpGradde

    Sundown SAX100.4 VS Arc Audio KS 300.4

    I had this same problem. I couldn't decide between a 100.4 or the arc. After a lot of thinking I went with the KS300.4. I do not regret it at all! It pushes my hertz components just perfectly and they sound loud! Accuracy is spot on. I have never owned a sax 100.4 amp before but have heard multiple setups with them. IMO there would be minimal differences between the two in terms of "sound quality output", if you will. Whats going to make the most of a difference (I am sure you've heard this multiple times) are the components you choose and the way you install them (position, angle, etc.). Sound deadner on the doors and the way you tune your system also plays a huge role. Hope this helps.
  24. UpGradde

    can u hear the difference?

    thats how I feel too lol
  25. Ok so I have an Adassa Audio The Warlord amp and I was setting the gains with a 50hz test tone and a dmm and right when I got it at 70 volts it started to fluctuate. It went down to 66v then 60v then 50 and so on. It got to the point where I turned up the gain 100% and it was only giving out 51v!! I shut everything down and waited a while because the amp was hot and when I tried to set the gains again it worked for a while (stayed at 70v) but then dropped back to 60v. I now think something is wrong with the amp. Has anyone heard of this problem? I am thinking about sending it to Chris at db-r.... opinions? Thanks!