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Everything posted by UpGradde

  1. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Finally got the car metered yesterday, this is what it did (second score was taken in the port)! The mic was on the passenger side kickpanel, outlaw. Port tuned at 36.5hz, playing a 40hz test tone. Does a 150 flat at the headrests. These subs sound so clean on music! LOVE THEM! Heading out to San Antonio tomorrow morning for the Texas Heatwave. Lets see if I can hit higher...
  2. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Exactly! Wtf do they think they are going to achieve by prying the handle bar off?! Idiots! I guess he gave up and just broke the window. I would have given him two nice broken knee caps if I would have caught him. But the thing is, I wasn't even angry... Knowing all the interior and audio gear was intact made me realize what could have been... I had full coverage but took it off at the beginning of the year, got too expensive. I plan on reinstating that real soon lol.
  3. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Bad news...thieves. Not at my place, but at my moms. Apartment complex's ftl. Heard an alarm, sounded like mine so I went out to find this. I guess the alarm scared him off, as nothing was missing.
  4. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Good News, got the passenger door done! Bolted down, this door alone has more output than my whole previous soundstage (Hertz HSK 165 in IB), very pleased. I still need to do something about that primered power window switch.
  5. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Thanks again The doors are taking longer than expected, they are TOUGH to wrap right. Have to cut several pieces and sewing sucks. Orlando, I am located around slaughter and 35, the southside. As far as how they sound, the tc's just get nasty low and flex everything. They have no problem playing down to 26hz with authority. Right now, if I had to guess, I am around high 140's. The subs are NOT sealed off, I have terrible rca voltage signal, I am running a stock 90A alt... not enough power especially since my amp is seeing .75 ohm nominal. Car is heavily dampened though, thats a plus. You are more than welcome to hear it, I just need that alt and a line driver before I really start playing them. My goal is a 150 on the mic. We'll see.
  6. UpGradde

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    i donno but i would not fuck with him... whats he like 6'8 380 or so... dude looks like he eats babies for lunch I think hes a wrestler and I also know he drives a white van on brutus blades. Did you see him compete (OP)? I was gonna go to this show but my doors weren't done.
  7. UpGradde

    USACI Competition 03-27-11

    who's that big ass messican wearing a white tee with his arms crossed muggin at 0:36 on that last vid?
  8. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Well I would work on them whenever I was free. I'd say anywhere from 32 - 56 hours. I did take my time on them, especially aligning the pods to the proper angles (and this is my first time fiberglassing).
  9. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Thanks for all the compliments! I have a LOT of hours into the doors. In the last pic, they are just primered like the flares. I was thinking of leaving them painted black, but decided on wrapping them. The paint is a House of Kolor Candy Orange (they have like 5 different candy orange paint codes) on a silver metallic base. They also have a gold metallic base but it would be a couple of shades darker than the silver base. On a side note, I tried playing the subs full tilt today... voltage dropped to 11.9 fairly fast. I backed off the volume knob quickly. Definately need more power and won't play it full tilt until I get an alt. However, these are the loudest subs I've ever had.
  10. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Thanks Hugo, I will definately let you know when it is done. You do the same as I'd love to have a mini meet and check out the system in the suburban.
  11. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    It really started as a passive setup with the hsk comp set, then I decided I needed more midbass, so I added the usher 8948a's which are going to be bandpassed somewhere around 70hz-whatever sounds better to the ear. I do not plan on overlapping frequencies with the hsk's unless it sounds better. As for the morel tweets, this was the part I was unsure of. I mainly got them just in case the Hertz ht25 tweets weren't enough, but we'll see. It's all trial and error. If I find the morel's mess up the soundstage (since the ht25's are in the A pillar's) I'll just sell them and cover the hole on the door with something nice lol. As far as paint, I don't plan painting the cardboard part as it isn't visible at all especially with that giant flare in the way. THe flare is just primered for now until I decide on a color. btw, these flares couldn't have come out any better, attention to detail given by Adrian is fantastic.
  12. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Here's how they look before getting wrapped in black suede type material. Pics are kinda big, if anyone wants to resize them thats fine with me.
  13. UpGradde

    SickNasty lil car build

    Here are some of the box and port, and how it sits right now. Box is bolted down and secured...everything is so nothing moves as a make quick turns and stops. Flares are just primered until I decide on a color.
  14. UpGradde

    Hey guys I recently bought a 300ZX!

    Same engine in my car. I also recommend what the dude said. Swap out all fluids for sure and a tune-up. Then go from there.
  15. UpGradde

    The real "truth" about idle output

    linky no worky
  16. Had to pay taxes this year...

    1. onebadmonte


      Bahahahahaah!!!..... Oh wait.... Sorry bro. o_o

  17. UpGradde

    My new toy!

    Just saw this, that amp weighs 20 pounds less than my whole birch enclosure, 2 TC neo subs, bracing, and port! Lol You got a beast here that's for sure. Can't wait to see this amp in person...we should have a meet up soon. Are you going to SBN?
  18. Somebody hook me up with an 8" aero!

  19. UpGradde

    Hola From central TX

    What's up? I'm from Austin too. You planning on running some Fi subs?
  20. UpGradde

    ZCON Prototype

    weight?? Agh all these awesome subs coming out, its hard to decide!
  21. Just as the above posts, hardly. You want to gain, use more drivers/alter box design. Going from saz-3500s to 4500s would only be worth it if you compete.
  22. UpGradde

    Tahoe Round 2

    Definately subscribed to this. You have to give a review on these subs. Especially since you've had the previous iteration btl.
  23. UpGradde

    Fi BTL N2 Pics + Fiday X Pics

    if it helps, on my ups invoice it says 44 pounds each, give or take a few pounds for the box and shipping material but its safe to say that they are right around 40 pounds! each, thats a huge weight loss compared to the 2nd gen BTL's Great! Thanks for that info. Looks to be about 33% lighter...now I wait for a review of some kind to see how it compares to the previous btl.
  24. UpGradde

    Fi BTL N2 Pics + Fiday X Pics

    Wow looks impressive! AllenH427, would you by any chance have a scale you can throw that N2 on? I want to know how much it weighs. Can't find this info... If you could do that I'd greatly appreciate it.
  25. UpGradde

    Quad Alt Brkt for the Masses

    Nice! Yeah I thought you had another vehicle. Do you have a build log for the Suburban? If not, you should make one!