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Everything posted by P-Dizzle

  1. P-Dizzle

    SAX-125.2 Pre-Order

    Ordered one tonight!
  2. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    Good Taste! I just placed the same order except with 4 8's for the wife's Armada
  3. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    Run (4) 8's off a 125.2 @ 4 ohms bridged and call it a day.
  4. P-Dizzle


    I love the 100.2. Little bastard has balls.
  5. P-Dizzle

    Question about switching casing...

    Yep. The 100.2 is pretty much the same as the 125.2 output wise. I would just remove the 100.2 sticker from the amp and call it a day.
  6. P-Dizzle


    They don't have any. Plus they may be embarrassed by the 125.2.
  7. P-Dizzle


    Those amps aren't powerful or underrated. I swear...
  8. P-Dizzle

    SAX-50.4 Pre-Order

    I like it better without.
  9. P-Dizzle

    SAX-50.4 Pre-Order

    They are 8 gauge. Dabnabbit!
  10. P-Dizzle

    SAX-50.4 Pre-Order

    Sweet! Are they going to have 8 gauge power inputs or can they accept 4 gauge?
  11. P-Dizzle


    I think it may have something to do with the president we have had for the past 8 years.
  12. P-Dizzle

    Sundown sax-100.4

    Nice Opti 2500 by the way. The '96 series built by Lanzar were some of my favorite amps in the mid 90's. I still have a 2500, a 4150 and a 6200.
  13. These installs were conducted by actual car audio shops. Here are some (before) pictures of a few redoes I have done in the past couple years. Anyone else share a similar story?
  14. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    Damn! Those are sweet. Silencer style.
  15. P-Dizzle

    Sundown SAZ 1500D @ 1.34 ohms

    Depends on Voltage and what your alternator can handle. Probably 1600-1700 RMS.
  16. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    Fa sho...
  17. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    The voltage will stay fairly steady. The 1200D is underrated so you should be good with anything from 34-38 VAC.
  18. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    MCM carries them too. Cool little gadgets but too spendy for most. Scope
  19. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    1ohm 34.6 Target voltage on the 1200D @ 1ohm.
  20. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    This is why we set voltage at 75% attenuation. Scopes are out of reach for most people.
  21. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    and yes. flat on the EQ.
  22. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    Yea, I was wondering what voltage to look for. When you say turn off the EQ, do you mean run it flat -- 0's across the board or negative. What ohm load are you running?
  23. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    Using a VOM or DMM, set the meter to AC. Download a test tone and burn it. Preferable multiple times. Set the volume on your head unit to 75%. Connect the meter to the speaker outputs on the amp. The target voltage of that amp is around 35 volts. Turn the gain all the way down on the amp and slowly turn it up until the voltage reaches 35 on the meter. edit- Turn off all boosts, eq settings, loudness, etc...
  24. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    What problem are you having anyway?
  25. P-Dizzle

    Amp Clipping

    Remember. You want to be able to use at least 75% of the volume on your head unit.