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Everything posted by P-Dizzle

  1. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Tline

    You could probably seal it off pretty small. 0.2-0.4 cuft.
  2. P-Dizzle

    Where is everyone ?

    no job leads to alot of fudgein Love it...
  3. P-Dizzle

    Where is everyone ?

    Good mixture of things... Everyone is having babies and nobody seems to have a job...
  4. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Tline

    Neato... The top doesn't look like it is going to be fun to cut.
  5. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    TA is a bandaid...
  6. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    The M6 also has a braxial mount option so you can run your main tweet on axis. If your doors are deadend and sealed up pretty well the M6's will sound awesome. They are a mid/sub and play down to 10 hz. They are loud, clean, and can handle just about anything you throw at them. Now If Jacob would just make some Components already...
  7. P-Dizzle

    330ci Simple Sub Install

    Credence Speakers still makes that sub here in the US.
  8. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Tline

    ive yet to build a bandpass for anything yet. so idk about one for the E8s Isn't that what your doing now. You have a filter on the front wave of the sub and a filter on the back wave of the sub. that did cross my mind, that im making a bandpass Tline, wait.. did i just invent something? haha Guess I missed that part. Lines on both side huh?
  9. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    The M6+ is bad ass but needs to be enclosed. If you are going to run IB I would recommend the M6 which also an incredible mid/sub driver.
  10. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    That would be my recommendation. CDT has some bad ass 3" and 4" drivers along with some killer tweet options.
  11. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    How much room do you have on your A-Pillar? Can you fit a 4" mid. I would try to keep the tweet and the mid together.
  12. P-Dizzle

    Sundown E8 Tline

    E8 meets Transmission... Sweet! I gotta see this. Wanna try a bandpass for us as well while your at it?
  13. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    Where are the mids going?
  14. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    Where will the tweets be mounted? Are the mids going to be sealed or IB?
  15. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    That would be my choice.
  16. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    I say add a 125.2 for the E8's. The 125.2's is one of my most favorite amps. Front stage, Rear fill, Sub stage, this amp has the answer. Power and control.
  17. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    Well, the new ones will, but he has an older 100.4 iirc. The previous 100.4 can handle it as well.
  18. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    Those who run active that don't like to tune tend to blow chit... And yes Jacob, your amps have some of the best crossover configurations there are.
  19. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    Without a doubt... The question is weather or not you want to do the tuning....
  20. P-Dizzle

    a few E8 questions.

    If you hate tuning I would not recommend going active. What components will make up your front stage? I would run the E8's Band Pass and a set of comps passive. (Midbass, Main Tweet on axis and an image Tweet). This could be done with just one 100.4 but if you want the extra power add another or a 125.2. CDT has some killer Passive crossover networks. The EX-560i's are amazing. They can handle just about any amount of power without cutting any frequencies.
  21. P-Dizzle

    330ci Simple Sub Install

    Cool. I had those subs about 15 years ago...
  22. P-Dizzle

    Where is everyone ?

    Fools is broke these days...
  23. P-Dizzle

    electrical help...

    Should be nice and quiet.
  24. P-Dizzle

    From: Z15 Pre-Sale

    Too bad Sundown doesn't have any amps powerful enough...
  25. P-Dizzle

    From: Z15 Pre-Sale

    If you want to pre-order 100 of the 250.2s I'll make them :bigclap: Sure... I can chit $20,000....