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Everything posted by Flatline1

  1. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    LMAO at this whole thing as I said in the first post the test were done by Taylor Fade and by Robin Butler but I guess that's not being understood or something. These same results are posted on about 4 other forums all I did was just transfer parts of the threads here verbatim of what they wrote mainly the parts with the numbers instead of the whole paragraphs that were written. The only thing the results are for basically is to show that the amps make rated power. That's it nothing more.
  2. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    Like I said there is nothing else to discuss on the topic the results are posted from the test that were done and that is that and once again if you have any other questions about our amplifiers ask away as far as the results are concerned there is nothing else to talk about.
  3. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    Lets look at this shall we a build house buys a 3k 4k or whatever k board. They put the components on the board that's suppose to make whatever power that its suppose to make. They hook it up to a dummy load with no rise or voltage drop to check to see if it makes the power it suppose to and if it does then it passes their test. Then they sell it to someone like me when we ask for a amplifier to start a company. We get a sample to test for power to see if it will indeed make the power they state. Now whether its with a clamp meter or with a amp dyno or whatever ohm law is ohms law last time I checked. Now using a clamp may not be 100% accurate but it is close enough to give you a idea of if it works or make close to the power it is suppose to. As far as needing any help on testing you are more than welcome to buy one and test it out and post your results. Did you read my post? I didn't offer to test, I offered to help you understand your results in such a way you could make them a useful post instead of one full of misunderstanding.By any and ALL scientific methodology a measurement without determining the uncertainty isn't a valid measurement period. Obviously this isn't something that was understood in your initial post since you shared WAY too many digits after the first. As I stated at first I just copied and pasted the results that they posted from the test that they did on our amps and I totally understand everything. You are not dealing with a noob here by any means. And I read your post and what I am saying is if you want to give what you feel are results that are valid from testing one of our amps then feel free. Like I said in another post the clamp numbers are pointless in real world applications when playing music so in all actuality when your testing your really just seeing if it makes the power that its rated to do. We can go round and round on this but I really don't see a need to so unless you have any valid questions about our amplifiers which is what the topic is about there is nothing else to say about clamp testing but feel free to start a topic in another section.
  4. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    Lets look at this shall we a build house buys a 3k 4k or whatever k board. They put the components on the board that's suppose to make whatever power that its suppose to make. They hook it up to a dummy load with no rise or voltage drop to check to see if it makes the power it suppose to and if it does then it passes their test. Then they sell it to someone like me when we ask for a amplifier to start a company. We get a sample to test for power to see if it will indeed make the power they state. Now whether its with a clamp meter or with a amp dyno or whatever ohm law is ohms law last time I checked. Now using a clamp may not be 100% accurate but it is close enough to give you a idea of if it works or make close to the power it is suppose to. As far as needing any help on testing you are more than welcome to buy one and test it out and post your results.
  5. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    To answer your question the best way I can feel free to pm iamamp3pimp or reelfish92 they switched from skar and crescendo to our amps. They can tell you what they like and don't like vs me trying to point out differences without causing drama between brands
  6. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    Just to let you know we did none of the testing I was just quoting results from the test that were given for us.
  7. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    There is no legitimate way to compare one amp to another without having to discredit another company. That's really the main reason that non one answers that type of question. We aren't saying that we are reinventing amplifiers by any means. We told our build house we wanted something totally different than any other company that was here in the united states and that's what we got and to answer how much power to they make @ 16 or 18V lets take our 7k for example it does 7k@ 14v @16v 8200 and @ 18v 9600. so that gives you a idea of what they are capable of.
  8. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    Well to solve this brief argument that's going on here on the price of our amplifiers. We don't compare our amps to other companies plain and simple. We have had customers switch from other companies amps to ours and have been more than satisfied. We are not the type of company to try to point out differences just to sell amp. All I can say is if you really are interested and really want to try one then feel free to order one during our preorder that will be up soon. If your not convinced then don't. If you look at our boards they are totally different than any other companies. That's all I can tell you as far as differences compared to any other company.
  9. Flatline1

    What we're about

    I agree with you, but I'd like to know why you posted them being clamped if you find it a pointless test? Because majority of customers ask about clamp and test numbers. That's the main question that's always asked by customers so I posted them. Any other questions feel free.
  10. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    Yes we have partnered with Mark on that and they will be available in the store soon.
  11. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    Updated hope that cuts down on any confusion it may have caused
  12. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    All amplifiers will run @ 12v I guess I should have been clearer the amps operate from 10v to 16v or from 10v to 18v In that case it would be helpful if you listed what voltage was used per output reading. All those are @ 14v
  13. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    All amplifiers will run @ 12v I guess I should have been clearer the amps operate from 10v to 16v or from 10v to 18v
  14. Flatline1

    What we're about

    Your points are taken and I am not here to argue testing methods, I am not a engineer nor do I design anything. I am just a guy that loves loud bass as everyone else does. I have been in the industry for over 15years and know how amplifiers are tested but since we don't have all the fancy equipment at our disposal we just test them as most other companies have done. To me clamp test are pointless anyway because no one rides around playing test tones. I as most do I hope anyway lol, ride and play music. Test in labs are done with dummy loads and hardly if any voltage drop under optimal conditions that will never be reached in a vehicle.
  15. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    Our pricing is in line with most other companies in the same power ranges and less than some in the same ranges a skar 4500 is 1449 our 5k is 1489. A sundown 3500 is 1200 so I think our price for the 5k is more than reasonable.
  16. Flatline1

    What we're about

    Well that's your opinion and you are entitled to it so if you have any more questions feel free to ask. One thing about us you will find out we aren't here to deceive or lie to make a sale of amplifier. We are used to all the doubt as we have been through this for the past year and we are still here so as I stated if you have any more questions or comments we will be here.
  17. Flatline1

    What we're about

    To answer your question they weren't sent to some lab and tested. They were tested by reputable people that keep documented results. So to answer your question were they tested YES. Did they exceed factory ratings while being tested YES. And the test may be meaning less to you as everyone does the same testing from Sundown to most other companies. If that's not a good enough validation for you then I don't know what to tell you.
  18. Flatline1

    What we're about

    Everyone uses different methods of testing and clamping amplifiers some claim if you don't use a oscope or amp dyno then tests aren't valid. We have the factory test numbers and we have the results from the test that we ran and the numbers were higher than what factory specs were.
  19. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Models/Specs/Pricing

    Today I didn't get a chance to do it last night but they will be posted today
  20. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    Wonder what that statement means.
  21. Flatline1

    What we're about

    This has come up a lot lol but to answer your question you kinda have to see one in person to better understand. The amps have the same amount of components as any other amp but just say instead of 8 small transformers on the power side there are 4 double stacked used. Same for the ones on the output side instead of 4 there are 2 double stacked. Our amps are a little taller than most companies because of this. As far as the capacitors its the same instead of using a lot of smaller ones we just use fewer larger ones. We could have used the same board layout as everyone else but what would have been the point. That would have been a waste of everyone's time and effort. Hope this answers your question. Well thanks a lot for answering my question! That actually helps a lot. So, knowing the information you've provided, what are some of the pros/cons when using few larger ones vs several smaller ones? (ones being the capacitors and the transformers or any of the other amplifier components.) Mainly this was done to make a smaller amplifier for the given power size mainly in length is where the difference is . Width may be a little smaller than some other companies but honestly our amps should be about the same width wise. Now as far as pros or cons I really cant say to be honest. Its just the way that the boards were designed, they are designed to be very efficient and that they are. They have exceeded all the factory specs power wise even for what they are rated to do @ their 1 ohm rating. How are factory specs measured, surely a digital multimeter, pocket oscilloscope, and clamp meter are just for marketing? Those were not used for factory testing that was used by Taylor Fade when he tested the 7k
  22. Flatline1

    What we're about

    No problem that's what we're here for. Any questions or concerns its our job to try answer to the best of our ability and I'm the type of person that if I don't know I will definitely do my best to find out for you.
  23. Flatline1

    What we're about

    This has come up a lot lol but to answer your question you kinda have to see one in person to better understand. The amps have the same amount of components as any other amp but just say instead of 8 small transformers on the power side there are 4 double stacked used. Same for the ones on the output side instead of 4 there are 2 double stacked. Our amps are a little taller than most companies because of this. As far as the capacitors its the same instead of using a lot of smaller ones we just use fewer larger ones. We could have used the same board layout as everyone else but what would have been the point. That would have been a waste of everyone's time and effort. Hope this answers your question. Well thanks a lot for answering my question! That actually helps a lot. So, knowing the information you've provided, what are some of the pros/cons when using few larger ones vs several smaller ones? (ones being the capacitors and the transformers or any of the other amplifier components.) Mainly this was done to make a smaller amplifier for the given power size mainly in length is where the difference is . Width may be a little smaller than some other companies but honestly our amps should be about the same width wise. Now as far as pros or cons I really cant say to be honest. Its just the way that the boards were designed, they are designed to be very efficient and that they are. They have exceeded all the factory specs power wise even for what they are rated to do @ their 1 ohm rating.
  24. Flatline1

    What we're about

    This has come up a lot lol but to answer your question you kinda have to see one in person to better understand. The amps have the same amount of components as any other amp but just say instead of 8 small transformers on the power side there are 4 double stacked used. Same for the ones on the output side instead of 4 there are 2 double stacked. Our amps are a little taller than most companies because of this. As far as the capacitors its the same instead of using a lot of smaller ones we just use fewer larger ones. We could have used the same board layout as everyone else but what would have been the point. That would have been a waste of everyone's time and effort. Hope this answers your question.
  25. Flatline1

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    Yes I will be posting prices up later today for all models