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Everything posted by skinrock

  1. skinrock

    Hey guys...

    It's skinrock from SoundDomain. Just thought I'd sign up, this place seems pretty cool. Who else is from SD?
  2. skinrock

    Stroker 18

    Dayum. Whatdya do, hook it up to a battery?
  3. skinrock

    Sub Comparison pics

    One of my idmaxs. You can see the rest in my member page.
  4. skinrock

    bad amp

    So did you run a new remote wire? If the insulation was burned off, you should think about sealing it up or running new wire. Other than that, most of the stuff described in the previous post could be potential problems. Sony amps like to overheat, even at "stable" loads, so I guess another question is: is the heatsink incredibly hot when it cuts out?