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About m3n4ce

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  • Birthday 06/01/1988

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  1. m3n4ce

    Fusion Audio

    I am Looking to buy Fusion PP-FR6920 and i was just wondering if anyone has dealt with fusion or knows if there a quality company?
  2. m3n4ce

    Painting an Enclosure

    I looked the primer up online or whatever and theres different variations of it or something. thats what i ment sry shoulda been more specific there lol.
  3. m3n4ce

    Painting an Enclosure

    is Kilz primer easy to find and what stuff do you normally use?
  4. m3n4ce

    Painting an Enclosure

    Actually thatd be perfect, you use anything special as primer or anything like that? and for the edges of the wood did you just knda sand down the caots till it matched the rest or was there anything special you had to do for the edges?
  5. m3n4ce

    Painting an Enclosure

    Yeah thatd be great if you could find something for me. is bondo like that plastic layering they put over the wood? like most cabinets made of mdf have a plasticy surfer melted or something over top of them. Anyways be perfect if you could find something. i was hoping to just paint the entire enclosure but if it takes as much time to do one surface as you say then that'll work just fine to. Anyone else heard of ways to paint one so it looks good and not grainy and wood like lol?
  6. Ok, so my buddy does a real decent job at painting and can do pretty decent job at detailed pictures. So what i wanna know is how can i get this type of painting onto an enclosure. Its made with MDF wood 3/4" thick if that means anything. Now im also trying to figure out how to paint this wood so it will look smooth and as less like wood as possible, which means if that cant be done then the detailed painting may not work. Anyways what i want to know is what can i do to the surface, that wont ruin sound quality, that i can paint primer or whatever onto in order to do this paint job to it? im at a complete stop here so any links or anything will help me out at this point. Thanks in advance.
  7. Im looking at some of the Audio Pulse (www.audiopulse.com) subwoofers and am just curious if anyone here has ever had one or knows somebody with one. Im just curious as to the quality and checking to see if there worth using or not? These are the ones im specifically looking at getting here.
  8. m3n4ce

    Help with rattles

    do you have deadener?? (like dynamat or whatever)?
  9. m3n4ce

    fiberglassing calculations

    hmmm, good idea. its always simple solutions that get over looked lol
  10. m3n4ce

    fiberglassing calculations

    hmmm so basicly its a trial and error type of thing or you could just guess and stick ur sub in and hope it works out lol
  11. m3n4ce

    fiberglassing calculations

    But it is possible to measure a fiberglass enclosure properlly so its not just random and you loose out on sound quality or what you want with your subs?
  12. So i know you can tune a box to a certain hz and specific dimensions for a squared ported/sealed box But, Is it at all possible to calculate and tune a fiberglass piece that you make to mount your subs on the side of the car or anything? ive read many tutorials on how to fiberglass but nothing really mentions anything about proper dimensions and what not for a sub. so am i sacrificing quality and proper sound for looks by fiberglassing?
  13. that sundown looks pretty sweet, thanks guys and i there the 2 ohm ones.
  14. m3n4ce

    First install help.

    Alright ill keep checkin out craigslist and look into those rockfords. thanks.
  15. m3n4ce

    First install help.

    Not sure if this is the right area so sorry if its not but here we go... Ok, so ive never installed my own set up so want im asking here is if anyone can help me put together something really really cheap i can use just to get the hang of installing everything, it doesnt have to sound amazing or even be good i just want the install experience before i do my actually set up. No custom work will be done so im aiming at finding a something already in an enclosure, thanks for any help. And i know somebody is gonna say budget, and my budget is as cheap as it can possibly get. Also for a deck is it gonna need to be replaced with something or can i just use a stock piece of junk thing? (not sure exactly what it is in it.)