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Everything posted by sick6ness

  1. sick6ness

    My search for a new logo

    hahah thats funny thats where i was looking. im sorry to all ssa members i apologize. i love this site and i visit it daily It's aight man, you'll find something you like better than the SSA font, plus your from LI like me.. It's all good
  2. sick6ness

    50" subwoofer in a 33Hz 1/4 wave TL VID blows eardrums @ 192dB&#3

    Lol wow man, I wish I had that much time on my hands.
  3. sick6ness

    What is the fastest you have gone

    But then again my bro knows hit stuff about cars.. And he just told me he has watched videos where a stock gt can't get over 130... So I dunno who to believe lol
  4. sick6ness

    What is the fastest you have gone

    I was just thinking that......I thought it was a little higher though around 135 Well I guess I was wrong... http://www.allfordmustangs.com/forums/2005...mph-hood-4.html Edit Dad doesnt like high speeds.. he likes something like 0-80 acceleration.. I would never attempt to top out a Mustang cause they handle like chit
  5. sick6ness

    What is the fastest you have gone

    I did 170 on this, and it had more to go =P
  6. sick6ness

    the "(2) XCON 18s" build....2009

    Thats really nice... That thing is gonna bang :bigclap:
  7. sick6ness

    My search for a new logo

  8. sick6ness

    Is this O.K ?

    thats crazy, and vids of the sub in action ftw
  9. sick6ness

    Sold on Sundown now

    It looks violently loud, nice job on the install!
  10. sick6ness

    SQ help

    I will let the pro's answer this, but from what I'd imagine, putting the speaker right in front of you up-close like on the steering wheel will throw off the imaging. But that's just my hypothesis. I'm interested in this though.
  11. sick6ness


    Congrats to the lucky winners of a great sub!.. btw I like the drawing system you used.
  12. sick6ness

    Sundown 100.4

    The old saying, you learn something new everyday!
  13. sick6ness

    Sundown 100.4

    I didn't know a gain knob could be homosexual
  14. sick6ness

    Lethal Injection 12" + AQ1200D

    then get the d4 sub and run it at 2 ohms
  15. sick6ness

    Lethal Injection 12" + AQ1200D

    I don't know if its just me... But seems to me everyone lately that has a question about an amp/sub combo wants to over power the balls out of the thing..
  16. sick6ness

    Another SSA Build

    THANKS... MAN IM GETTIN BETTER EVER BOX every box u learn something new i did atleast i got the approval to use the wood shop here at school so i might build some boxes out here in kansas. my school got a multi million dallor auto shop for everything wood and metal and thats the field im getting into so it should be fun lucky bast*rd
  17. sick6ness

    which is right??????

    So you want a sub that hits the lows good? SSA ICON is your best bet
  18. sick6ness

    For you Slipknot Fans

    You'll have no problem, when I went there were a bunch of guys in there 50's sitting down the row from me and they were smoking weed like no bodys business. Yes, Slipknot is very entertaining to watch. and Coheed sounds better live, the singers voice isn't as annoying.
  19. Went to the Slipknot concert last night, all I can say is WOW it was really an awesome concert. Coheed and Cambria, and Trivium were there also. Here are some pics, enjoy
  20. sick6ness

    Another SSA Build

    It appears to be loud ,nice work !
  21. I've had my PDX for over a year now with no problems.. Sounds damn good to me
  22. Im using a pdx for mine and I think they sound great, but I'm also running them active which made a huge difference over passive.. From what I heard from those HD amps, they aren't good at all.. But Scott knows his stuff
  23. sick6ness

    Upgrade to 15

    SSA Icon baby
  24. sick6ness

    Front Stage Amp

    @ 4 ohms? I didn't realize it was that underrated.