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Everything posted by sick6ness

  1. sick6ness

    Site down

    lol i try to stay away from that site, makes me wanna spend
  2. sick6ness

    Who has heard the Hybrid Audio Clarus C61-2?

    I have a lot of listening time on the C61-2 set. After they break in they really start to shine. They are very accurate and produce a lot of bass for 6 1/2's. The tweets are just amazing, very accurate, not harsh but still have high extension. They are one of the best I have heard. Check out the install http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...mp;#entry393510
  3. sick6ness

    SSD or Q

    I would go with the Q because I like SQ. Either sub will hit well.
  4. sick6ness

    sub on 400-500 watts

    Mag sounds better then an ICON?
  5. sick6ness

    Pics of Ascendant/Sundown System

    Nice and clean, whats not to like
  6. sick6ness

    SSD or Q

    you want the ssd
  7. sick6ness

    Im new here

    enjoy your stay at ssa
  8. sick6ness

    Single 12" Icon Build

    Nice, offer a flush mount?
  9. sick6ness

    Walling a Hyundai Hatch

    Agreed, nice job there, lets see a vid when you have them up and runnin!
  10. sick6ness

    32 Sundown E8's build

    Good luck !
  11. sick6ness

    Poll! Can't decide what I want to do.....

    I voted to say screw it man, honestly in my opinion the bug WILL bite again. After having your 2-ways setup for a month or two, you will still wonder what it would be like with 3-way. Put in the 3-way from the start like I will do when i get my new ride.
  12. sick6ness

    How to install Damlifier & Luxury Liner Video

    Good video, professional. Good Job
  13. sick6ness


    Looks good, I like the new features
  14. sick6ness

    WOOT for mach 5.

    Those drivers sure do look nice
  15. sick6ness

    LSQ Build

    Yeah man, your setup is really aiming towards SPL with two 18's and all that power. You'll never get those subs to blend properly with your fronts. If your really trying for SQ you should take some note of the more experienced members recommendations.
  16. sick6ness

    04' Civic components

    I went over SS Damp Pro with eDeadv1se, pretty solid product for the price.
  17. sick6ness

    04' Civic components

    Having Alpines since my first system, I wanted to try something new. I went with Hybrid Audio Technologies Clarus line opting with the 6 1/2" over the 5 1/4" after reading the review Car Audio Mag gave the 5 1/4". These drivers were a lot deeper then the type-r's I replaced them with. Here's the comparison in size. After adding another layer of deadener on top of my pre-existing Damplifier Pro I was ready to go. The install required the mid hole in the door to be cut a little larger to satisfy these beasts. Using the speaker ring as a template I made my marks and used a jigsaw to cut it. Using the template once again I made my baffles out of 3/4" mdf. I originally used oak, as the manual suggested, because its less prone to moisture, but it was more difficult to work with. I put deadener around the baffle which will help repel water anyway. After running wires and mounting the crossovers, I used 1/4" peg board to cover the large openings in my doors to create and "sealed" enclosure for the mids. I custom fitted the board around wires and such. Also deadened the inside of the board before screwing it into the panel. Then I added more deadener around the board to make sure it was sealed 100%. The door skin on the Civics are shallow, so some plastic needed to be removed. I used a dremel, it worked well and was accurate. Since the type-r tweets were a bit larger then the C1's, the tweeter had to sit perfectly on the door panel so gaps would not be seen. I taped the tweeter in the position it needed to be, using painters tape to secure it. From the other side I used Silicone II around the rim. As you can see I also taped the back of the tweet to protect it from the silicone. The finish product... I want to say thanks to Scott at Hybrid Audio Technologies for the best customer service I have ever had. Also thanks to fbi90909 for giving me ideas along the way. Any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks, -Mike
  18. sick6ness

    04' Civic components

    Thanks everyone
  19. sick6ness

    Project NYC

    Nice real nice!
  20. sick6ness

    04' Civic components

    I only had maybe 2 hours listening time on them so far. Scott said give them around 20 hours for there full potential. But so far they sound unbelievable, I listened to an array of music from classical to rock and they all sound amazing. Very clear, sound is definitely more centered and good mid bass. I have them crossed at 60Hz right now, maybe change it after they break in. The tweeters sound crazy. Clarus has amazing sound at reasonable price. P.S. Reference: Bowers and Wilkins 704's with high end Rotel receivers and processors.
  21. sick6ness

    Tweeter Mounting Options

    No one has any ideas?
  22. sick6ness

    Tweeter Mounting Options

    Rite now I'm in the middle of the install of my Clarus 61-2 component set. I have a pre-existing hole from the other tweeter, which is where the C1 will be flush mounted. Since the C1 doesn't have the "screw on" flush mount option like the type-r had I have to some how secure the tweeter. Scott recommended me hot gluing but it was difficult because it dried too fast and it basically cracked and peeled apart, (plastic on plastic) (maybe i used the wrong hot glue?) I also tried using Epoxy Putty but it didn't work well either. Any recommendations and ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, -Mike
  23. sick6ness

    New Sundown Website

    Good work on the new site, big improvement!
  24. sick6ness

    Hushmat, Dynomat, or Raamat?

    SS DampPro