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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    2010 ICONs now available! Free Shipping!

    Will/are the TS parameters availble for each coil?
  2. diablo_331

    2010 ICONs now available! Free Shipping!

    Alot of copper coils tend to sound a little better and aluminum coils tend to handle more power.( with exceptions of course) What are the differences between the coils?
  3. diablo_331

    2010 ICONs now available! Free Shipping!

    Do all of the usual differences between an aluminum and copper coil apply here?
  4. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    That was my best guess as well. May just bridge them both at 8 ohms on the Bravox CF 6.5's.
  5. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Does anyone know what the RMS is bridged@8 ohms?
  6. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    This is great news! Can't wait to get them in.
  7. diablo_331

    NOOOOES! MY Lethal Injection!

    IXL-12 SL or DC audio lvl 3 or TC Sounds Epic In oder of which I would buy. But there is a wait for the EPIC.
  8. diablo_331

    Digital Designs Headphones

    Bassahaulic on this board had a pair at one time. Maybe he will chime in.
  9. diablo_331

    Digital Designs Headphones

    Bassahaulic on this board had a pair at one time. Maybe he will chime in.
  10. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Your order has been processed, thank you! These really are a steal, even if people grab a pair and run them bridged for good power to a pair of speakers. My plans are to run each of these and use 7 of the MS-8 channels to run a set of Bravox CF 6.5's, a center channel, and some rear fill plus a Xcon12"/ SAZ1500d combo. All active with 24db slopes.
  11. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Your order has been processed, thank you! These really are a steal, even if people grab a pair and run them bridged for good power to a pair of speakers.
  12. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    Pics or death..
  13. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    I ordered two of these. Can't wait to get them in.
  14. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    I will be going active with a MS-8 so as long as its good old school ZED power then I'm set.
  15. diablo_331

    Alternator request.

    Which vehicle is it for, the Jeep or the Jetta? We can do it easily in either vehicle though, so no problems there. We have the 270XP for the Jeep, and we have a 240, 260, and 300 for the VW. Your only limitation on the Jetta is the 260 and 300 both have more output at idle than the 4cyl engine has the ability to drive. The 300 will do 200+ at idle no problem on a V6 VW though, and the 260 will do 180 continuously at about 600 engine RPM.. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.. Rob The vehicle is a '03 Golf 1.9L TDI. It is tuned up and could probably handle the bigger alts but I don't need all that power. Can you PM me a quote for the 240 for the Golf please?
  16. diablo_331

    Alternator request.

    Can't seem to find anyone who will build me an alt for my car. I am looking for max output at idle. I would prefer around 150-200 at idle (800 engine RPM) if possible. If you guys at DC can help me then please let me know. Thanks, Colby Webre
  17. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    I just picked up 2 of these from Aaron for $227 shipped...
  18. diablo_331

    Question About the XCON Package

    It would have to be the 1500v1. I believe that the saz1500d is currently out of stock with no known restocking date but Mark or Aaron would be the guys to talk to about that.
  19. diablo_331

    SSD 15 totally satisfied.

    I want a demo next time I am in town Andrew. Love me some FI but have never heard a SSD yet. It's last on the list. Lol
  20. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    Two things to add here Drew. #1. How much $$ for the cat? #2. At 2:20 the guy almost shanks the camera guy in the face. Safety in #1 Andrew.
  21. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio In Stock | GROUP PRICING!

    Me! Oh yea bro !!! I read that ... Awesome Don't forget to send those text messages for me so I can get to Shreveport in Style ... Wait. The USACI Finals in Shreveport this year? When is it? and where exactly?
  22. diablo_331

    Basebalz13 Door panels

    Damn! That looks great man!
  23. diablo_331

    Group Buy on a Zed Built Boss Audio REV-665

    Ill have 2 please! Pm sent!
  24. diablo_331

    ** ZED Audio Group Buy #3 **

    I'm in the same boat.