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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    4 havoc15's, AB500.1, D3100's, Fisher Custom's box

    i love to see other truck builds...gives me sweet ideas sometimes
  2. diablo_331

    Welcome to the IHoP

    started buying for the next setup today....Audio+wallet=DEATH!!!
  3. diablo_331

    Made a small purchase today...

    yea im going ported....any1 have first hand expirence with the tuning for these subs?i know there built with stiff as hell soft parts...
  4. diablo_331

    Made a small purchase today...

    well just the 1's off the site for now...still a pretty beafy 10...and i think its sexy as hell...more pics when it getts here...im also curious to see if they r shipping in DD's new shipping boxes yet or not...we'll see... SDC2.5....pics and info
  5. diablo_331

    Team Sundown is taking over

    oooraahh! Sundown!!
  6. diablo_331

    Choosing Subs

    lookinto audioque for some good cheap power...or maybe save up a little more and pick up a GP3000d
  7. diablo_331

    my new bl's

    i an lovin the black basket...
  8. diablo_331

    Beefy 10"

    i second that...
  9. diablo_331

    Beefy 10"

    AA meyhem(spelling)
  10. diablo_331

    Opinions On Two Tens

    audioque sdc2.5.....FI is a good idea...incrimidator audio....depends on what ur prefer
  11. diablo_331

    s-10 blazer lowering kit help.

    ask around on s-10 forum....they'll have u setup in no time
  12. diablo_331

    Prototype "SA" Series

    u never stop do u Jacob?this 1 is sure to be a hit...and its EXACTLY the type of sub im looking for.now its either wait for the 10's to drop or go ahead with the sdc2.5's....i got some thinking to do..
  13. diablo_331

    We were all N00Bz once...

    2 pyle red label 10's box with a hole in it(i refuse to call it ported) off a pyle 6 channel with yellow pyle 4.6's and 6.5's..........so....yea....the install was horrible...if i only had pics
  14. diablo_331

    Sub question???

    thats a very clean install..i like the hairy wire...
  15. diablo_331

    Van vs Truck

    van for spl...not a sq guy so i cant comment on that
  16. diablo_331

    (3) saz-1500s on 8 subs???

    i have 2 saz1500d's.they are gonna be pushing (8)sdc2.5 10's.i figured they would be getting around 400ish rms per sub...i need more.. to my question..would it be possible to run 3 saz1500's to these 8 subs?if so how?i have no problem running them below 1ohm.
  17. diablo_331

    Amp Group Pics

    ill be picking up 2 of the 2000d's as soon as they drop...cant wait
  18. diablo_331

    SI Bm 10s (re-coned With New Parts)

    how do these sound??they r calling my name..how about (8) on 2 saz1500's??they dont look the best but i could get some decals for the boob cones lol..if u dont mind,throw me a price for 8 of these..its either this or underpowering some (8) sdc2.5's untill the saz2000d's come out...btw when is the ETA for the saz2000d's?
  19. diablo_331

    (3) saz-1500s on 8 subs???

    im gonna wiat untill the saz2000 is released...problem solved
  20. diablo_331

    (3) saz-1500s on 8 subs???

    thats what i needed to know..thanks
  21. diablo_331

    (3) saz-1500s on 8 subs???

    they r D4..im going to run sundown...period...if they made an amp that pushed 5k at 13.8 then id be all over it...plus i like multiple amp systems..this would save me alot of trouble of selling the amps then buying another.it is really hard for me to find the time to work on my truck b/c im stationed in FL right now and i only go home every once in awhile.(my truck is at home for now).so if there is any way then id be greatful
  22. diablo_331

    Sundown E8 Pre-Order #2

    i think i might ditch upgrading the 8 10's and just go for 16 8s...can u say cone area + tons and tons of coil = death to small children and old people?..hows the low end on these?
  23. total, $1200 or less You want 6,000 watts RMS and the charging system to support it for $1,200? HAHA... crunch 3000pro x2 =$800ish 300 amp alt = $350ish 2 d3100= $700 plus random stuff.....power cable,fuses,various connectors and endings= $300ish grand total = $2150... i cant see it happening for much under that...just save up and do it right the first time.
  24. diablo_331

    Custom Painted DC Audio LV315s

  25. diablo_331

    3 10LVL2's or 2 10LVL3's

    id go with 2 lvl3 10's ported...cant go wrong with that