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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yes me
  2. diablo_331

    Welcome to the IHoP

    2 21inch DP's on 4 1500d's.... coming soon..opinions?
  3. diablo_331

    very impressed with sundown 1500's

    cant wait untill the SAZ2000d is released!!
  4. diablo_331


    no problem thats y we are here hope all goes well.
  5. diablo_331


    the reason for the same power handling between the different sizes is because they all use the same motor,coils,ect.for power handling people have ran as much as 4k rms to a btl but u have to know what ur doing with that much power.id say get a fully loaded btl and give it 3k rms and you,the sub,and maybe even the wife will be happy
  6. diablo_331

    The "X"con 12" prototype has arrived

    sound like these will be perfect to throw a few on a saz3000d...or maybe they are very underrated and can take alot more for daily...
  7. diablo_331

    Twin 10" ICON Termlab Vid

    well 142 at 25ish hz will do that sometimes..lol
  8. diablo_331

    Twin 10" ICON Termlab Vid

    "10 inch icons....and a little amp" lol
  9. diablo_331

    this is what was hovering over my house today

    u guys should see the blue angels where im station over in NAS pensicola FL,,they practice almost daily and r LOUD as hell..thats y i like them
  10. diablo_331

    New duel lead project for LV5's

    Take 3 ft of wire on a direct connect sub, measure resistance. Take the same 3 ft of wire and put it on a sub with terminals, measure resistance. Get back to us and post the data. (That's my subtle way of saying go try something for yourself rather than spewing out things people tell you that sounds good.) think about it...get the resistance through a 3ft peice of wire..then cut that wire in half and put a common connector on each each then take the reading again..also solder is not nearly as good as raw copper.and irrc solder is the way that most companies use to connect their tensel leads to the push terminals..so just remove any and all possible resistance and youve got a better connection for running high power at lower impedences.btw i have no problem proving my theory but im stationed in Flordia and have no means possible to test this.but u can sit down,think about it,and im sure after many hours of head scratching ull understand
  11. diablo_331

    IA 6.4 - 4 Channel Amp!

  12. diablo_331

    Choosing New Subwoofers

    ive heard the icons and flatlynes....they both were amazing but id go with the flatlyne
  13. diablo_331


    r u even real??
  14. diablo_331

    What 18 sub will handle 2600 watts rms

    the list goes on and on...give us a buget and listening preference...btw that amp might put out 2400rms with a solid electrical..but we get what ur saying
  15. diablo_331

    is a 18 inch ssd louder then 3 cheap 12's

    the sae1000d gets my vote
  16. diablo_331

    8 gauge speaker leads?

    it is does make for a better connection but unless ur chasing tenths of a db then its not needed
  17. diablo_331

    port frequency question

    its your build but passives r VERY easy to build..build a sealed box with 1 10 and 1 12 cutout then tune the radiator then ur set
  18. diablo_331

    port frequency question

    i think a passive radiator would be a great idea here
  19. diablo_331

    mini cooper wall thread, version 2

    as badass as walling off a mini is...i think the real highlight of this build r the doors....i dotn think alot of people know how loud that will really be..good luck qith the rest of the build
  20. u can buy them from e-gay or make them yourself..what type of sound are u looking for?im assuming ur going to go passive since ur on a budget.there r thousands of options here.budget?listening preference?
  21. head over to Db-r.com and check out some rebuilt saz3000D's..or look around on the forums..ive seen them go for as little as $600 used...id also look at that IA 20.1
  22. diablo_331

    Box size for 21.

    i have a 06 gms ext cab 4door...the roof was about to fall apart..put 5 layers of rammatt on the rear section and 2 on the front and its perfect...also pulled the bed off and put some sheet metal over the cab vents to seal her up...only down side is that i have to run my defrost alot now b/c of little/no ventalation...i think i might run 2 IADP 21's in 20 cubes net walled off...
  23. diablo_331

    Black & Blue December Sale!

    will this be taken out of final price in cart or am i missing something?
  24. diablo_331

    How to do a 16v system

    i have a question about that HL Flux cap..if you had the 100amp model for example and a 250amp alt...would 150 amps of your alt be waisted(not charging batts)