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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

  2. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    look at the ass.. twins.. hammering t-nuts in.. moving the amps down so i can put my drivers seat back a little more...its perfect now added the hc2400 to the d3100...rivals that work very well together
  3. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

  4. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    we pulled the box out and installed subs and moved the amps around and put everything back in friday night.i fixed the strapping problem Saturday morning.then i met Drew at a local shop to get metered... pics ...
  5. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    first of all id like to thank Drew,the captain of Team Bad Company(TBC) for all the help with the final stages of the in install. i got almost everything done this weekend.just a little purely cosmetic details to work on later.the rest of the install went very smoothly.with very few setbacks.we did have a problem stapping the two saz-1500d's.i believe the problem was the Knu Koncepts rca's we were using.the amps kept going into protect with very little volume.i didnt have a different type so i just gain matched them.
  6. diablo_331

    DB-R.com got a face lift..

    DB-R has a new layout that alot easier to navigate now...
  7. diablo_331

    What amp to run with 10" Fi Q?

    try Soundsolutionsaudio.com or Db-r.com for a used 1 both of these site r very well respected with great customer service the sae-1000d and the sae1200 d are both on sale right now.
  8. diablo_331

    What amp to run with 10" Fi Q?

    sae1000d,sae1200d,or the saz1000d....im dying to play with the saz1000d..
  9. diablo_331

    Help! 4 BTL 18's in a wall

    not from an spl standpoint but if it's just for show... Personally I wouldn't wall it unless I had to for the room... and in the case of 4-18's he better use the wall.. well that was a given...
  10. diablo_331

    Help! 4 BTL 18's in a wall

    no point in building a wall behide the second row of seats
  11. diablo_331


    i get all my stuff through them..great fast shipping..not 1 problem..and their flex power wire is amazing...0/1 ga like a wet noodle
  12. diablo_331

    Good Idea? Bad Idea?

    its done all the time..i cant say ur gonna see a 4 db increase bc its all install dependent...just make it look clean
  13. diablo_331

    Sundown Audio SAZ-3000Ds $750 shipped!

    all these crazy sales going on right after christmas!!! im on E-3 salery here!! it sucks not having any money!!
  14. diablo_331

    Poker Site Now Installed. SSA.com

    they have 1-800 numbers for this type of problem...JJ ill get in on the action tm
  15. diablo_331

    What Model and size

    i would suggest that u save up and get a btl...u could use both amps and ud be much happier
  16. diablo_331

    Steve Meade

    i have alot of respect for him and what hes done for audio in general but the meade boners get annoying...
  17. diablo_331

    Warden Series Release

    same here..^^
  18. diablo_331

    SAX 50.2

    one thing that could make this amp really cool is if it were REALLY small....
  19. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    sometime next weekend when i get home and finish the build....when i get home friday night i vow to not sleep until its done..lol
  20. diablo_331

    2000d pre-sale?

    ill be picking up 2 of these as soon as the pre sale starts!
  21. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    already thinking of an upgrade in power.....might pick up a few of the Warden series 21's when they are released...make a port plug and ill need more power...looking at a stetsom V7k2D and a DDZ2LV as of now but that may change..it would be nice to use the DP's daily and be able to have an all out SPL machine within the few minutes it would take to switch subs and put in a port plug...just a thought..any more song requests?
  22. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    update: i looked and looked for another d3100 but with no luck i bought 1 of acex3a's remaining hc2400's....i have next weekend off and will be coming home....subs and new batt will be installed and build will be completely finished....lots of vids will be posted...suggest any song that u want to hear
  23. diablo_331

    Diablo's Build Log

    this is in an '06 gmc ext 4dr......
  24. diablo_331

    My Build.....

    looks sweet...btw PM jacob about a used saz1500d