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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    Welcome to the IHoP

    bump for never getting to work on my truck...
  2. diablo_331

    2 DPs in a 88 mustang

    looks sick so far...carpet ,paint??bedliner?
  3. diablo_331

    just ordered 2 15" Q's dual 1 ohm

    y not try a few passive radiators? they are fairly cheap.and not many people run them
  4. diablo_331

    2nd Generation of Sundown

    grats!!! hope all is well!!
  5. diablo_331

    Old Kicker resolution R6 components

    used to have a set of those RS6.2s loved them
  6. diablo_331

    New Trimplate for one of my 1500D's finally done

    id say no paint...a light airbrushing just to darken the lettering would look great
  7. diablo_331

    What is the fastest you have gone

    165 in an unmarked popo car
  8. diablo_331

    Team Sundown?

    text me later drew...someone on TBC needs 2 saz1500d's
  9. diablo_331

    Team Sundown?

    ^^ New rule for the contract Jacob. It has to be the first and second rule lol u r so homo drew..
  10. diablo_331

    a chick in the back seat of a Mustang

    well u get an A+ for inovation..
  11. diablo_331

    Approaching 8,000 members!

    after ROE kinda had a fallout a few months back,SSA has become my new home..love this forum...best on the net..great,active admins and alot of very knowledgeable people here...ill always be here..
  12. diablo_331

    Ordered my 187...

    if the build quality is anything like my death penalties then its should be amazing
  13. diablo_331

    a chick in the back seat of a Mustang

    this is one to remember...
  14. diablo_331

    Amp for 2 BTL's

    no worries with sundown...excellent product and great CS
  15. diablo_331

    question about mj18

    it sounds like the perfect sub for u then
  16. diablo_331

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    tuned in!!!i would love to get a demo at 10hz with this thing
  17. diablo_331

    My Q puked out a metal chunk

  18. diablo_331

    4 18" BTL or 8 15" BL?

    i would go with the 4 18's......if u do the 15's then there r more moving parts which means more chances for problems...
  19. diablo_331

    out with the old batteries in with the new.....

    check models and also resting voltage
  20. diablo_331

    out with the old batteries in with the new.....

    thats an awsome price for the yellow top g31's!!grap that up!!
  21. diablo_331


    i finished the install of two dp21's powered by two saz1500d's....all gains were set with a DMM for 1600 watts each(amps were each seeing a .5ohm load) my electrical is very good with a 250amp alt and 2 group 31's in rear and all 0/1ga.. now to my problem...i started to notice a slight rattle coming from the port...so i stuck my head in it and it was coming from one of the subs....there is no way that something could have gotten into the cooling on the sub,so thats out...i think it might be a coil unwinding but ive never had this happen so i dont know what it sounds like...i didnt get a chance to take the sub out to look at it before i left.
  22. diablo_331


    the subs are very secure with tnuts and they are sealed with carpet...air leaks shouldnt be a problem...the port is brad nailed, tight bond 2ed and secured with wood screws..
  23. i had 2runs...1 + and 1 - for a saz1500d...i saw a .2 volt increase after doing this at the rear batt..i say go for it if money is no issue
  24. diablo_331

    Post Something About The User Above You

    is secretly in love with paul wall...
  25. diablo_331

    Cleanest Install ive seen:O

    repost....look at the date of that thread...this has been floating around the net for a LONG time...but clean none the less