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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    new headlights....while they were out i decided to paint the trim rings..
  2. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    next on the list was a K&N cold air... pics..
  3. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    my father took it upon himself to throw a little cash in her before i got home...so for a month he hooked me up with 2kish worth of stuff for free this included superwinch LP8500 dick cepek 15x8in. wheels wrapped in dick cepek 33x12.5x15's it also was bought with a cheap lightbar...it had to go...so i hacked it off... when i first saw my TJ it was a little too clean so i had to give it a new paintjob....mud was the color..i think u guys will like it other pics of the D44 and the D30
  4. diablo_331

    Drew Jones's Team Sundown Build

    WTF was that drew??i almost threw up...i miss that hc2400....sold it to him for 160
  5. any have any play time with any marine speakers?if so give me your thoughts.pros cons?i need some speakers that wont crap out on me in my jeep....
  6. diablo_331

    water resistant speakers?

    ill have to look into the kickers..any more insight?
  7. diablo_331

    Sae-1200d power

    if not then just neatly trim some strands or buy one of those tacky looking reducers
  8. diablo_331

    a '99 peterbuilt with some marines

    the whole marine thing went wayyy over my head..
  9. diablo_331

    Infinity Kappa Components

    IMO the kappa tweets are a tad on the harsh side..but still a good comp set
  10. diablo_331

    Current Transfer FTW!

    i like it..
  11. diablo_331

    SAZ-1000D...... Question

    grab a splitter and use one gain knob for them all..
  12. diablo_331

    Z15"s and SAZ-1000's

    a little wiring never killed anyone...nothing Drew cant handle....now if i can just get him to clean all that wiring up a little we'll be fine
  13. diablo_331

    SAZ-1000D...... Question

    u might wanna look into a maxxlink if ur planning on 4 of these little monsters
  14. diablo_331

    Z15"s and SAZ-1000's

    i think im coming home for a few weeks,Drew....i might build u one of my "world famous" false floors...order some carpet and have the MDF and beer on tap..we gotta get this build rolling
  15. diablo_331

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    ill take that "NSv2" off your hands
  16. diablo_331

    What's new at IA!

    soooooo.....nick....tell me more about these new KOB series.....will they be available?
  17. diablo_331

    What's new at IA!

    im freaking out man.....cant wait for the warden...
  18. diablo_331

    Demo Vid. lol

  19. diablo_331

    Mach 5 to carry Sound Digital

    Mark...i have money thats burning a hole in my pocket...i need POWA!!!!!!
  20. diablo_331

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    while we r on the subject of 150+@10ish HZ.....anyone know of anyone pulling some crazy numbers using tones lower than 20hz?any records or something?
  21. diablo_331

    Two 3000ds strapped at 1 ohm

    keep the voltage up and they will be fine..i run my saz1500's @.5 all day
  22. diablo_331

    Mach 5 to carry Sound Digital

  23. diablo_331

    Mach 5 to carry Sound Digital

    they look good...im liking the small footprint and the site is really easy to use
  24. diablo_331

    Saz 3000 at .5 ohms

    Diablo and I strapped 2 1500's at 1 ohm. Amps never got that warm. my 2 saz1500s were strapped at 1ohm and ran at .5each and never had a problem...i had a 250amp alt 2 group 31's behind them..sundown FTW
  25. diablo_331

    Open Again!

    im sorry for ur loss...the warden series is sure to be a beast..i cant wait to see some fellow IA users slaying people in the lanes!