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Everything posted by diablo_331

  1. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    Don't get me too excited. I've only just calmed down since the day I ordered them.
  2. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    I want to see some pictures of that crate!
  3. diablo_331

    Questions about Component speakers. opinions WANTED!

    what type of music do you listen too? What are you trying to accomplish with this system? How much are looking to spend?
  4. diablo_331

    Q vs BL

    Livonia, are you by any chance friends with Colby and Jude Webre? lol In fact I am very good friends with Colby lol thats what i figured! jude told me something about an andrew jones that had beat in louisiana lol Drew can't even spell beat.. Or Louisiana for that matter. Lol!
  5. diablo_331

    Q vs BL

    Hahaha! Drew has no idea what sound quality is. Colby Webre
  6. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    Thank you for the review on them! I cant wait to hear what you hear. BTW, are you still running them? Still passive? How do they REALLY sound? LOL.
  7. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    After reading this review, Impious' CS60-CF Review I just bit the bullet and went with the CS60-CF. That review had me pumped up to say the least. I can't wait until these come in!
  8. diablo_331

    Bravox Audio Group Buy

    I need some opinions here are the CS60K up too par with the HAT Imagine Series? Will it be personal preference? Not even in the same league?
  9. March 2nd 2009?? Not to call anyone out here but I have emailed DC Power twice a week ago with no response.
  10. diablo_331

    It's almost time.

    Indeeed. Congrats on the 150 club With a spl box and powah you should be in the 153's I'm thinking just by getting my power into 8,000rms I'll be in to 153's maybe even 154's. Yes I still lurk around here Drew. And as always, I am your biggest critic...You need to stop playing around and wall it already.. Or a Tunnel 'O Death.
  11. diablo_331

    Eclipse no more?

    I've owned a EA4100 and used it in several builds. It was a great amp
  12. diablo_331

    NEW Nightshade Pole Plugs

    What the hell! I guess it's time for "FREE" recones! lol 2 3500D's strapped @0.5ohm+16v=recone's INDEED.....
  13. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    my TJ had the same setup in the center console...i didnt even know it was there until i was taking out the drivers seat and i hear something rattling to the music.so i pulled the console and the factory 8" was done for.the surround was all but gone.so i pulled the amp/sub/box combo and put a hc800 i had laying around in its place...it fit like a glove.i ran 0/1 flex to the batt.,grounded to the seat then ran 4ga to the amp.its all 100% hidden under the carpet.
  14. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    WOW! where to start? firstly i traded my 06 gmc that last had the 2 21's in it for this wrangler.it is an '01 sport with a 4.0L I6 with a dana 44 rear dana 30 front with 80k on her.this is not only an audio build but a typical jeep build...in fact the audio part is done...but ill be updating this thread ever so often as money comes in... on to log...
  15. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    im looking to get a rubicon express 4.5 ultimate for it and of course ill be upgrading to some 35's...right now it has 3.73's in it...but ill regear with the lift to 4.56's..im also looking at aussie lockers front and rear.further down the road ill be upgrading to the long arm kit that rubicon express has.but all of this will come as money is available.
  16. diablo_331


  17. diablo_331

    Drew Jones's Team Sundown Build

    mybe it was just my pc but the framerate was like 3 per second
  18. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    i put the finishing touch(for now)before i left and went ahead a put some sundown and incrimidator vinyl on her.. well this is how she stands as of now..all this work was done when i was on leave back in Louisiana.i drove it 1100 mile to cherry point NC. and thats where i am now....with no shop and very little tools so work will be slow from here on out..
  19. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    well she wasnt driving as good i i thought she should so i picked up a new steering stabilizer from skyjacker....and sure enough the old one was shot...i also picked up a pair of pilot offroad driving lights for the front...then i cut both the front a rear bumpers shorter to get rid of the ugly milk jug looking plastic endcaps and then weilded on some plates to the sides then primed and painted them for a smooth,factory looking, finish..
  20. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    after my father put the new,bigger, spare back on the third brake light no longer was tall enough so he threw it aside...well for safety reasons i found a simple fix and put it back on...just some bolts for spacers...
  21. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    next was a highlift jack....which a kinda "borrowed" from my father...found a good place to mount it..
  22. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    then i stood back...scratched my head,looked around and saw a perfectly good D3100 and a HC800 sitting in the corner....soooo...why not stuff the D3100 under the hood and take the factory sub/amp out of the center console and put the HC800 in there???i couldnt think of a reason not to either..
  23. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    i had a roll of rammatt rotting in the corner of my shop so y not use it...i put one layer down on the floor..it help with the road noise a good bit..
  24. diablo_331

    Diablo's 2001 Wrangler Buildup

    now on to the sound system...being as the factory sound bar sounds decent and gets damn loud ill leave it for now...so this is just a simple box build.. (1) incrimidator audio lethal injection 12 (1) sundown audio sax-100.2 1.45 cubes sealed