Hello. I'm an enthusiast-- obviously. But I wouldn't call myself "diehard." Though I do spend a lot of time and money on this "hobby of mine". Worth it... Anyway, I have a Ford Mustang '98 Coupe [for referance] As of now, I have crappy mid-range, and 2x 10" JBL GTO1002D [2oDVC @ 250-RMS] in a sealed box. I like it... but, I'm thinking about upgrading to the Fi Q. I was wondering if one 10" would be enough? I was thinking either 10" or 12". Is there a real audible difference between the two? I like the look of the 12", and it's only $10 dollars more. But space is a premium in the Mustang-- and a box big enough to fit in is even harder. Also, I was thinking about what to power it with. I have a Boss 1200M amp 600x1 @ 1-ohm... so, I definitely have to upgrade the amp... to reach the full capacity of the sub and have better quality. With that amp on for about 10 minutes, it burns to the touch. It's a killer. I've only put it in protection mode once [which isn't something to be proud about-- but I do live in Miami, and it was mid-day with a 'bass test' playing] Any suggestions on an amp decent enough to compliment the Q? I don't wanna spend a lot of money... but I don't wanna cheap out and pay for it. You know? Thanks.