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About tazz

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    south africa
  • Interests
    car audio
  • Vehicle
    hyunday atos
  1. tazz


    ok i dont know raw mids can you give some pointers on very good mids i can use put i have to buy peace by peace ,thanks
  2. tazz


    i thought about it and have decided that im goiing to put in a 3way system and an audison bit 1 proccesor ,im goiing to rebuilt my doors so i can fit an 8 inc middriver and build pods on the dash for the mid and tweeter ,can you maby give some advise an great y way speakers i had the dls scandinavias in mind
  3. tazz


    but isnt it beter to have your tweeter and mid as close as possible
  4. tazz


    thanks ,the only problem i wass thinking about is THE t my cluster sits ontop of the dash and like you sed reflections but ill start low and then move upwards ,i was thinking of starting of by pointing the tweeter to the oppiset heasrest but will try all hights and angles
  5. tazz


    ok i want to put the tweeters on the apillars today but like you sed will have to play with the angle ,just to make it a bit easyer on myself is it better to have the tweerter closer to the dashboard or higher up on the apillar say closer to ear hight ,thanks
  6. tazz


    i wass wondering how i could get the instremants detail clearer
  7. tazz


    comming from spl after 15 years i must say for the first time im really lisening to my music and enjouing it much more ,must be because im getting older lol,but never thought there is so much to learn ,but i know with your help i know ill get there
  8. tazz


    so the best would be to put them on like you sed and keep on trying angles ,good point ,i just saved myself 200 % ,thanks alot
  9. tazz


    i was also thinking i have 2 jl 10w3v3 subwoofers and was thinking of putting 1 10w7 in but the question is will it be beter wil it justify the money ,or should i fit 2 6inc subs under my front seats ,
  10. tazz


    good tip thanks ,i was thinking of taking it to an installer to do because of exactly that point ,dont want to mess it up
  11. tazz


    o ok thanks ,my tweeters are on the dashboard at the moment but i was thinking of fitting the on the a pillars ,fabricate the a pillars so they could fit nicely ,my question is would it make any differnce in the sound
  12. tazz


    the reason im asking is if heard that after ta you have to set the phasing in the speaker but dont have a clue how to do it machanical phasing is correct but dont know how the other
  13. tazz


    ok so i have another question ,i see you can set the crossover for each speaker but the way i understand you cant have differnt frequencys for your mids is that true
  14. tazz


    ok thanks great advise will do so ,i set it like that but ife changed alot since buy ear i think im almost there the imaging is much beter and its wider than it was .its true i had to set the gains again because like you sed there where stres point i could hear in some songs
  15. tazz


    ok that sounds much beter ,another question my hu is 4v on its outputs and my amp is 4v sensitive how to i set the amp the correct way to get its full potencial