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Everything posted by letherdieslow1y

  1. letherdieslow1y

    Need a recone for an MT

    Try emailing nick, he was pretty quick with responces when I contacted him that way. nick (at) ficaraudio.com - or look in his sig
  2. letherdieslow1y

    RE SX 18" Recone Kit

    try caraudio.com's forum, and look for TeamPSI, he can get you a RE Audio re-cone...or you can email Scott or Nick at Fi, and they can also get you one
  3. letherdieslow1y

    Memphis or Kickers

    CVRs, IMO, have a lot of potential for being such a cheap sub. The Memphis subs will work fine, as long as you tell the guy to tune the box low, unless its a pre-fab. If that's the case, none of those subs will perform to their full potential and may get damaged if your amp doesn't have a SSF.
  4. letherdieslow1y

    ?????BEST HEADUNIT?????

    For under 800$. A used h701 can cost 300 alone. damn, I didn't even check prices on the w205 lol. I assumed they were maybe 400 used. My bad.
  5. letherdieslow1y

    ?????BEST HEADUNIT?????

    used iva-W205 + used PXA-H701 + aftermarket GPS.
  6. letherdieslow1y

    Another Which Amp

    What;s your electrical like? (HO alt, batts, etc)
  7. letherdieslow1y

    HO Alt fo a Hyundai =(

    I agree, caps don't do much if anything. Put it on Craigslist and go with an Optima, Kinetik, Powermaster...etc
  8. letherdieslow1y

    HO Alt fo a Hyundai =(

    I'd just go as high as possible
  9. letherdieslow1y

    HO Alt fo a Hyundai =(

    You WILL need a HO alt. 2k-2.5k wrms is wayyy to much to run on a 90 amp alt, even with the (useless, imo) capacitor....Ask Ohio Gen
  10. letherdieslow1y

    michigan dealers?

  11. letherdieslow1y

    Is Fi really all that bad?

    Every time I see that in a signature, its always someone who runs DD. So I've always just assumed it meant DD>Fi (in their opinions)
  12. letherdieslow1y

    NEW LAW!!!! (important read) everyone please

    X2 (and i like the avatar, very nice)
  13. letherdieslow1y

    NEW LAW!!!! (important read) everyone please

    25 feet is a pretty long distance if you think about it. And with a properly dampened system having the volume up to where you can clearly hear it w/o you car getting impounded shouldn't be a problem.
  14. letherdieslow1y

    Another RE Cone thread

    I've never personally re-coned a sub, but I'm almost 100% sure that they can't make your SSD into a Q, as the motor structure is different. Try emailing Scott again or bump this thread and try and get his attention and he can answer all your questions about the re-cone process.
  15. letherdieslow1y

    First time hearing fi

    You can get a H.O. alt for a Frontier, i also have one (08 Crew Cab). Call Ohio Gen, they said it'd be about $350 plus the cost of the alt, and they could give me around 210 amps